Failed to install!
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Author:  allastorn [ Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Failed to install!

When trying to install the game through the launcher I received the following message:

Failed to install a required third party component.
Please make sure the system disk has enough free space
and that you have administration privileges.

Now I have recently cleaned out my disk so I have enough space & I also run start.exe as administrator.

Help me please! :)

Tnx in advance.

Author:  fortunelv [ Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Failed to install!

Hello! A got the same problem here. Re-installed, Re-patched, deleted M visual C+++ and installed Panzar, folders 2008 one, made all administrator rights on Start.exe and noting, it just stops at 99% for about 5-10min`s and shows the msg. Before 30.1 patch didn`t have any problems.

Author:  JSarge [ Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Failed to install!

Greetings for everyone!
I'ts great that you have already tried to solve this issue. After a patch there can sometimes be "mysterious" issues even if the game was previously working just fine.
Even though you have already tried few things already, there are things worth double or even triple checking. Exact instructions for all of the tips & tricks which are useful and should be also checked out are presented at this thread (many of them are presented at the "Lost Connection" section as also in "Game closes without a notification/warning" section.) in game. Try to be as accurate as you can when following the steps presented in that post, as well the tips presented here:

So, few things worth checking out straight away:

-Administrator rights: Install the game with administrator rights (open the folder where you downloaded the installation package in to, right click on PanzarFBC, "run as administrator")
-When the installation is complete, give the clients (as default those can be found at: C:/Games/Panzar/Bin64/PnzCl and Panzar/Bin32/PnzCl) administrator rights
-Right-click on the game launcher -> Select "Properties"-> Select Compatibility tab at the top of the window -> check the box that says “Run this program as administrator” -> Click Apply -> Click OK.

-Disable your Antivirus program during gameplay: After a patch it is always a good thing to make sure that your antivirus program and Windows Firewall are still allowing the game to establish a proper connection as before. Disable your antivirus before starting the launcher.

-Delete the folders USER and LogBackups. These folders are generated by the game client and will be re-created if they are deleted. These can be found from the Panzar folder which is located at (C:) -> Games -> Panzar by default.

I hope this helps you out. However if nothing above wont work out, contact us via email and attach Logbackupfiles, MSInfo and dxdiagfiles into your email. Instructions for attaching these files can be found from here.

Author:  hippieunicorn [ Sun Jul 07, 2013 8:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Failed to install!


Can anyone please help me with this ?I have seen this message once before while trying to install an online game. :(

Author:  DumbnLazy [ Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Failed to install!

Got the same problem.
Reinstalled Visual C, reinstalled the game with admin's rights, turned off antivirus and firewall, gave admin rights to Bin32 and Bin64 PanCls, run launcher as admin and got the same problem.
What should I do else?

add: and yes, deleted the folders USER and Logwhatever

add2: and btw i got win 8 64 bit

Author:  TheJackal [ Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Failed to install!

If you tried everything, I would suggest you to contact the Support.
Good luck!

Author:  Empirism [ Wed Nov 27, 2013 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Failed to install!

I run this with steam, but I think this might help others too. Try next:

go to install directory -> PnzTools -> Installer -> com

there you should find another Start.exe, run this with administrator mode and it should start patching the game :geek: .

hope this helps.


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