Lag then freeze for several seconds
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Author:  wours78 [ Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Lag then freeze for several seconds

Hi everybody,

I'm writing here because I don't know if we have someone reading this on french part...

I have a terrible problem since last patch 30.1 before that, I never had this problem.

When playing a match, I have a big lag, My screen freeze, the game continues and 80% of the time my opponent kill me. That's very annoying :(

I read all the forum looking for a solution, but nothing helps me. I don't have any proxy, I'm not cheating with any program, my drivers are the last one for a nvidia gtx560, even tried to downgrade the drivers. I have an internet conection with 150Mb bandwidth, and I'm wired directly to the router.

Do you know anything about this problem?

Thanks for your attention.

Author:  wours78 [ Sun Aug 04, 2013 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lag then freeze for several seconds

Thanks for your help,

Lukan and other Panzar users give me clues to find the solution.

Unistall the client, HDD defragmentation, cleaning register, downloading the last client installation package (with torrent is 15x faster), installation and updates by the server, tests...

That works, finally it was certainly a bad access to my hdd not my internet conection or server issue.

Thanks again and let's fight!

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