Common solutions for problems with Third party components
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Author:  JSarge [ Mon Sep 09, 2013 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Common solutions for problems with Third party components

Greetings everyone!

While installing the game, one might meet problems with third party components. The system might give error code: "Failed to install a required third party component, please make sure the system disk has enough free space and that you have administrator privilege's".

Common solution for this problem can be found through manually installing DirectX and C++ redistributable package.

The game needs a DirectX and a C++ redistributable package to be installed (this is the "third party component"). You can find both and manually install them from the game directory.
By default DirectX installation application is located under C:\Games\Panzar\PnzTools\Redist\DX\DXSETUP.exe and you can find C++ Redistributable package under C:\Games\Panzar\PnzTools\Redist\VS, depending on your Windows architecture, if you have a 32 bit Windows you should install vcredist_x86 or if you have a 64 bit Windows you should install vcredist_x64.

When you have successfully installed those, move on and launch the game with administrator rights.

To run the game as an administrator you need to right click on the game icon and select "Run as administrator". Keep in mind that having User account set as an Administrator doesn't grant you rights to automatically start application with Administrator privileges. You still have to right click on the application icon and select "Run as administrator" to grant Administrator rights to the application.

These two things solves most of the problems regarding this issue. If the problem persists, our customer support assists you further when you describe your situation via Remember to explain what you have already tried to do, to get the problem solved faster!

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