Third Party Components
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Author:  FrozenGod [ Wed Nov 27, 2013 12:29 am ]
Post subject:  Third Party Components

This is just awkward, why would you release a game that like 50% can't even launch?
I mean, it's me and some of my friends - wasted time downloading and yet it doesn't work.
I'm not a person that sends emails, then ill ask it here:

Why the heck can't i launch the game? I've tried both direct installation and steam. I've tried installing the "components" manually like described on the help topic here. I'm launching the game with administration rights.
How the heck is it going to help you if I send you the same I wrote here in an email? I just don't get it. Either you fix it or you'll lose half of the population.

Windows 8 64-bit
GEforce GTX650 Ti


Author:  TheJackal [ Wed Nov 27, 2013 1:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Third Party Components

Did you try this one already?


Hope it helps...

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