Account issue
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Author:  stannnis [ Sat Nov 30, 2013 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Account issue

Hi could anyone help me out here

I made a account through steam played for a bit and wanted to buy a few crystal but for some reason steam doesn't want my money, both card and paypal no longer being accepted, both are fine so its deffo a steam problem, ive tried using the steam support but its useless. they said its a paypal problem just to get rid of me after i spent 10 minutes explaining to them that paypal was fine.

no problem i thought ( f*** steam) i will just buy through the game site. i made a account using the same email (steam) but it hasnt given me my (lvl10) account not sure how to link the two, when i look at my profile page its just a fresh account.

any help. thanks

Author:  TheJackal [ Sat Nov 30, 2013 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Account issue

Yeah there is no Way that I know to link Steam created and on Panzar Page created Accounts. And the Issue about buying Crystals, Panzar is working on it so far as I know.

Author:  stannnis [ Sat Nov 30, 2013 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Account issue

well thx anyway

just deleted steam client and installing fresh from site.

steam is a waste of time, and its rude, stopping me buying dlc on games with no login options

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