big lag
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Author:  HARLEM shake_1 [ Sun Jun 15, 2014 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  big lag

i have lag all time today the game is inplayable. i cant play litterly, i tried every posibble solution but doesnt work.

i restart router, pc , game everything but no use. i have premuim so its not good it just wasting. pls fix this problem before

this thursday cuz theres a tournment. how can i play? . also the game is closed and give me error. the message says

no so instance found for id 281475078625268
pnzobjects infocpp59

:x :x

Author:  White Wolf [ Mon Jun 16, 2014 7:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: big lag

You said you check every possible solution.

Ok so this is the last info I got for you.

1) test your ping to it should be below 90ms if you are in Europe.
2) test your tracert to and PM Queen Bee with the results.

3) if you have your Anti-virus running you really need to add the complete panzar folder to the exclusion list for active scanning. In the beginning of this month some anti-virus did an virus database update and some anti-virus react to Panzar files and even delete them in some cases. Active scanning causes lag.

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