Error loading DLL:CryRenderD3D9.dll, error code 193
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Author:  WeirdBeard [ Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Error loading DLL:CryRenderD3D9.dll, error code 193

I opened the launcher and hit play right after that the error showed up

I downloaded Directx end-user runtime webinstaller 9 but i already had Direcctx 10 b4 I downloaded it.
Still didn't work.
What shall I do ?

Author:  -Prof3ssoR- [ Tue Jul 28, 2015 3:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Error loading DLL:CryRenderD3D9.dll, error code 193

Your system?

translated by google from ru forum

- Upgrade to the latest version of DirectX from Microsoft.
- Install all the possible updates to your operating system.
- Install NVidia PhysX from the developer.
- Go to the Control Panel -> Programs and Features. Find all of the variations of "Microsoft C ++ redistributable" in your list of programs. Remove every single (right mouse button -> Delete). Next, go to C: \ Games \ Panzar \ PnzTools \ Redist \ VS and set out vcredist.
- Install all the latest version of Microsoft Visual Redistributable C ++ for your OS from the official from Microsoft.
- It may help if you have 64-bit Windows 7 or Windows 8. The game directory, delete the folder Bin32. Start the launcher and it will start to download the folder with the Internet. After a successful download offer diagnostic program as Administrator (only answer in a dialogue to diagnose the problem their consent). If you have a 32-bit OS, then acts accordingly spend a folder Bin64. ... r+code+193

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