Hey everyone! I took the liberty of creating a
wiki exclusively for PANZAR (if you guys at Panzar Studios will allow it)!

I know people have recently expressed some frustrations over the lack of info for new players in PANZAR (let me also say I know the Panzar Studios staff is working really hard and have a lot on their plate right now, I totally understand). So I just thought, "Hey, wouldn't it be a good idea to create a place to all help each other out on one, simplistic site instead of fumbling through a number of forum threads?" My light-bulb went on, and shazam...I created a wiki for us!
Now, admittedly, I don't have much wiki experience. But because I think this relatively new community really needs it and I'm freakin
pumped for this game, I'm willing to learn how to work it (not until tomorrow though, it's just past midnight and I'm le tired

). If any of you guys and gals are as excited as I am about this game, please help me grow this wiki. Remember that it's not just for myself, but for the
PANZAR community!
I honestly believe if we can work together and put some effort into this wiki we can help
educate and grow our community!
http://panzar.wikia.comCheers and see you on the battlefield!
UPDATES: 05/04/13
Okay guys, since obviously there isn't a lot of traffic on the wiki yet I feel it's best to place this here too. These are the initial priorities that I have decided we should focus on for this wiki (this is also posted on the wiki talk page if you want to respond there instead):
1) Create the
base pages for mostly everything in the game. Meaning, just create the pages for each class, items, etc. and only put in the title of the said page, a sentence or two, and maybe a picture. This is to organize the wiki and create
a network of pages that makes it much easier for further editing and increases functionality and usability.
2) Proceed to fill each page with content. We should start with pages that don't have a lot of information in the tutorial and website that are key to gameplay success and enjoyment.
First being maps and map types in my opinion, which will include the goal or mission of each map type.