The Wheel of 4 Gods - GUIDE IN PROGRESS
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Author:  Queen Bee [ Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  The Wheel of 4 Gods - GUIDE IN PROGRESS

The Wheel of the 4 Gods is a random spinning wheel which gives you the chance to win prizes every day. They can be resources, potions, amulets and even crystals!

Take your char into battle every day and each time you will get 1 chance to spin the wheel and win a prize. If you use the Wheel of Gods every day, the prizes get better!

How to play

1- Click on the Wheel - it’s in the top right hand corner of the screen
2 - Press the spin button
3 - Choose your favourite from the unlocked prizes
4 - Click ok to confirm your choice

2 Types of stones

1. Account-bound, you receive it every day. If you don't spend it, it will be destroyed after 24h.
2. Character-bound, stone earned with exp in battles and put into the storage.

The Science behind the Wheel

Free stone: valid for 24h, from 02.00 CET until 01.59 CET next day. Then it is destroyed.
Prize level: increases every day for 5 days - then if you continue to play every day, it will stay at maximum level. If not, it will start again.

The Prizes

General prizes: resources, gold potions.

Top prizes are organised by level. Spin every day to unlock a higher level! The resources on each side of the Wheel move up, replacing the lowest prizes with better prizes. These are the best things you can win at each level:

1: Mystical Gem
2: Dead Man’s Chest
3: Amulets
4: Amulets
5: Crystals

So let’s imagine you start playing PANZAR on Monday, and then play every day, these are the top prizes you could win each day:

DAY -------------------> LEVEL
Monday ---------------> 1
Tuesday --------------> 2
Wednesday -----------> 3
Thursday -------------> 4
Friday ----------------> 5
Saturday -------------> 5
Sunday --------------> 5

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