How to insert runes into items
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Author:  Valshoreil [ Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  How to insert runes into items

All day long.. I have been playing Panzar.. and I got 2 characters at lvl 4+
Both have crafted several of the "blue" lvl 4 items..
I have a ton of "XXXX runes" in my inventory that are lvl 1

And when I "pick them up" with the mouse.. I can see that there are sockets for them in my items..

But how do I get them into those sockets?

I tried dragging and dropping onto items
unwearing items and dropping runes on them in my inventory
tried if I could fit items inside the enchant thing on the forge and dropping runes on them

Everyone in the chat keeps telling me to "drag and drop".. .but I am apparenlty not doing it right

I would be grateful for assistance in this matter


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