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Cold Lady must be temporary ban 
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Joined: Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:02 am
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Post Cold Lady must be temporary ban
I created this post to make sure Cold lady will not plays upcoming tournaments.

Every week he tries to find a way to divert the rules of the game in his own way. Thus he enters the crew without warning they may be disqualified if someone notices how he acts.

Look at the evidence by yourself, Cold lady talk a lot purpose he does not read the rules before.

First Team:

Second team :

Well, now have a look for the latest post :

So know, do not try anymore to fck the rules, we know you are trying to abuse, and we don't like it, and a strict punishment should be promptly considered by Panzar...

(Appologies to Cokelico, and Lunastra, but players must know the rules, and Leader can't prevent other teamates to play). Good luck, hope you will understand by yourself, cause I don't want to send an e-mail to panzar community and make sure you will be disqualifie for the next tournament.

Fri Jul 18, 2014 9:50 am
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Post Re: Cold Lady must be temporary ban
tu pouvais tout ecrire en francais, c'est pas le coté anglais la ^^
on sais tous ce que fait cold et il le cache pas non plus, a panzar de voir ce qu'ils comptent faire.

member of God of War

tank cokeliko 20
heal lanonyme 20
frost cokelichnette 20
fire cocorico 20
sapper cokelaki 20
inqui cocolinette 20

how to kill a game? ask panzar crew !

Fri Jul 18, 2014 6:11 pm
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Post Re: Cold Lady must be temporary ban
The answer is here:

I didn't broke any statment of rules, published on official Panzar web page.

RU: "Я Хоть Куда" Ice Witch, Marauders clan
EU: ColdLady Ice Witch

EU/RU: EnigmaU Sister Of Fire

Fri Jul 18, 2014 8:09 pm
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Post Re: Cold Lady must be temporary ban
Maybe the wrong way for a mod to deal with that.
In my opinion a E-mail to panzar studio is enough.
Dont like the fact of official punishment on forum specialy from a mod.

When you both have some issues to clear do it on the Battelfield and not on Ingame Chat or Forum.
We have enough hater here :D

I dont like it to when someone is manipulating the grid but i can understand from Cold Lady when she do it.
A Clanleader will only the best for his Members and when this mean walk on a thin line to get better chance to win, than a Clanleader shoud do that.
When clan is happy leader do his job.

Cant remember that the rules support this topic.

Sat Jul 19, 2014 11:40 am
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Joined: Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:02 am
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Post Re: Cold Lady must be temporary ban
I did this post to make sure people knows what we are talking about and how Cold lady try to turn the rules on his own way...
He's not the only one Clanleader as you said, but in fact he's the only one cheater...


Sat Jul 19, 2014 2:10 pm
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Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:59 pm
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Post Re: Cold Lady must be temporary ban
I srictly followed the rules published on the date of tournament July, 17, 2014, on official Panzar web page:

I didn't broke any statement of this rules

If you think another way, write here exact number of statement in rules (dated July, 17, 2014) I broke.

Again, there is no any statement described in this rules conserning your fault thinking.

Do you have sufficient knowledge to read and understand this rules? Please, try again.
If you can't understand - clear the way, u can't be moderator, and you only the troll here.


RU: "Я Хоть Куда" Ice Witch, Marauders clan
EU: ColdLady Ice Witch

EU/RU: EnigmaU Sister Of Fire

Mon Jul 21, 2014 11:34 pm

Joined: Thu Oct 17, 2013 1:48 pm
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Post Re: Cold Lady must be temporary ban
Just to be clear, the rules available with the tournament announcements are the valid versions now and apply to the next tournament! They are not up on the website, simply because it requires updating the whole game system which will happen with Patch 35. Just in case, these are the new additions to the rules:

Rules Changes: Clans may register maximum two teams for one tournament. The tournament grid is checked 60 minutes before the tournament starts. If a clan has more than two teams registered at this time, every team from this clan will be disqualified.

Player rerolls between teams (including of the same clan) are strictly forbidden. Any teams that add players registered to another team, including characters of the same account, will be disqualified.


Unhumbly, Your European Community Manager


Wed Jul 23, 2014 11:04 am
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