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Nerf the Berserker health 
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Post Re: Nerf the Berserker health
ok guys, i understand your point: if you think so and few other guys think same, then it is true and no other arguments required
no need to repeat it over and over
if you can see some errors in my logic - point on it
if you have some counterarguments - tell me
i want some constructive discussion, and you are basically telling me to shut up

Thu Jun 13, 2013 9:01 pm
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Post Re: Nerf the Berserker health
JesterLester wrote:
ok guys, i understand your point: if you think so and few other guys think same, then it is true and no other arguments required
no need to repeat it over and over
if you can see some errors in my logic - point on it
if you have some counterarguments - tell me
i want some constructive discussion, and you are basically telling me to shut up

ok ill try something constructive

at 30th lvl zerkers have >9k hp with 9 stacks roughly 5k inq however has about 6k(i think)
bigger hp pool provides longer lifetime in those leftmouseclicks of enemy berserks as well as tanks and other enemies

Berserks have highest damage in game, making it 9stack gives him 72% damage boost(8 with each stack) plus a sweet critical chance and attack speed boost berserk becomes a fearsome elliminator of groups of enemies
inqs damage however stays the same throughout the game and his attackspeed boost will be countered with crushing blow and a few kicks

so now try to imagine a character with highest damage in game and second biggest hp pool as a support


Thu Jun 13, 2013 9:32 pm
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Post Re: Nerf the Berserker health
not sure what are you trying to tell, but out of your post it comes that zerk is a much better fighter than inquisitor
AND at the same time his support abilities are at least not worse than those of inquisitor

so question stays the same: why would you take an inquisitor into your tournament team, if taking one more zerk instead will grant you some more benefits?

Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:43 am

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Post Re: Nerf the Berserker health
JesterLester wrote:
ok guys, i understand your point: if you think so and few other guys think same, then it is true and no other arguments required
no need to repeat it over and over
if you can see some errors in my logic - point on it
if you have some counterarguments - tell me
i want some constructive discussion, and you are basically telling me to shut up

Like you said, berserk has the most powerful power attack, but its also the slowest in the game. Zerk should kill fallen and frozen enemies, otherwise he'll be knocked back and killed (in most cases).

At the same time, inquisitor has the best interrupt in the game. In most situations only he could interrupt battering ram, ring of immortality or even winter cold. Fetters also one of the best abilities in the game, even if used only on one enemy. You can easily kill anyone who catched in fetters with just zerk + inq or even move a tank in invulnerability from the point to capture it. Sacred flame and plague are useless in tournaments, thats true, but anyways good inq will not have free cp for it.


Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:59 am
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Post Re: Nerf the Berserker health
thx for your reply, but there are still few things not clear to me:
if even zerk with his hp pool can only kill frozen and knocked down enemies or he will be killed himself, then what's inquisitor state in the same situation?
how are zerk and inquisitor supposed to farm cp?
and most important to me and probably asked third time question: why there was no inquisitor in russian turnament final from any side?

Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:01 pm

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Post Re: Nerf the Berserker health
JesterLester wrote:
thx for your reply, but there are still few things not clear to me:
if even zerk with his hp pool can only kill frozen and knocked down enemies or he will be killed himself, then what's inquisitor state in the same situation?
how are zerk and inquisitor supposed to farm cp?
and most important to me and probably asked third time question: why there was no inquisitor in russian turnament final from any side?

Berserk farms cp with left mouse button on orcs (it is desirable to beat multiple targets with a single blow), while inq farms cp on elves and paladins. Order didn't use inq, because our best one on vacation :)


Fri Jun 14, 2013 11:02 pm
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Post Re: Nerf the Berserker health
JesterLester wrote:
you're so funny)))


Sat Jun 15, 2013 11:55 pm

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Post Re: Nerf the Berserker health
I thought something was off with beserker, lost more than half of matches as the other team has more bez, one shot kill, infinity stun, tons of hp and good block. 3 maps, no slashing sound, starting characters with the most fugly clothing. Back to Dota2, all my cents to valve and none to this.

Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:21 pm
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Post Re: Nerf the Berserker health
Berserkers Rage skills just needs to be modified to take a small amount of HP every second too accommodate. That is what is missing. Zerkers in every game have huge HP pools because at least one of their skills costs HP.
This game, they just have a puppies ton of HP and defense and power and speed, which leaves them with pretty much no weaknesses. Their power attacks are way too fast at level 20. So if their level 20 skill was tweaked to take a small amount of HP per second, it'd be fair. IMO.

But honestly, as every class I've played I've had no real big trouble with zerkers. Even with attack speed they're not OP with their power attacks, they're just very hard to finish because they get away so fast.

Watching all the RU streams you see that they get shutdown a lot. So seems to just be that EU is new and players don't know the game that well, and teamwork and blocking is lack luster.

Triffilin - Paladin
All about that US server!

Tue Jun 18, 2013 3:06 pm
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Post Re: Nerf the Berserker health
Synsane wrote:
So seems to just be that EU is new and players don't know the game that well, and teamwork and blocking is lack luster.

Or just that EU players choose not to spend a kidney worth on a game that forces your hand to pay, and choose to quit instead.

Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:00 pm
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