I don't know how to start this, because I could write a book about what's going on for the last 3-4 months that I play panzar.
Guys, I have a lot of patience. But now it's running out.
First of all, sorry to hear that ArmadA couldn't participate in the tournament, because of one fail bug. Best team EU currently (even if they are all russian

There needs to be live support during the tournament, some kind of administrator. How else are you going to see if someone is cheating/ someone has problems, anything !!
You rely on streamers, but there was some time that there were no streamers, there were still the same bugs like now, and nobody cared because there was not even proof back then, and I don't think panzar cares much.
Second, what we all know. The damn disconnects. Yes, there are disconnects you get sometimes in public games. (Me, i get a disconnect maybe once in 3 days, others like one per day)
But oow, when it's tournament. It's disconnect party. For some reason, it must always be the same guy disconnecting whenever it happened the first time to him in the tournament.
For example , KruQQ never dc's, not even in previous tournaments, and today, he gets like 8 dc's. He couldn't even log in for the first games, because there was some weird error that he can't login to the game client, and not even on the website from panzar. Tournaments must not be based on who's the lucky team that not get disconnects wtf? I've played like 10-12 tournaments, and not once I have got a dc there. But other people do. How are we supposed to play this "Teamgame" with 8v10, and because they are with more , they also can farm way more classpoints than us. Not to mention, the guys who get disconnected LOSE ALL THEIR CP. So, basically we can't play how we want to, because if we choose to farm 3 skyfires, we have more risk to lose the classpoints because it takes more time. Why the f*k must we play in fear of having a disconnect all the time? I already told you our patience is nearly gone.. Oh, and Niax also had some disconnects during the tournament, some Panzar software error. That's a new one, I wonder how you can keep inventing new names for your errors.
Third, we almost crashed the servers, by having the fireball bug between 2 frost mages. Everyone's screen froze for atleast 10 seconds. I can't believe a great game like this, can f*k this up so hard. Maybe, you had better sold the razer mice, and use the money into the game. Because there is obviously something terribly wrong with the connection. And don't try to convince us again it's our computer, or connection, or anything that we can do. We literally tried everything.
Obviously, I'm forgetting alot, because there are way more bugs, errors or problems in panzar. Sorry, don't want to write all day.
Fix this, tell us what you are up to, get live support during important events. Watch the stream from last tournament, it says enough about the game.
We spend all our time in this game, we organise training games, everything. To be ready for the tournament day, because that's what everyone wants to play.
And yet, every damn time we get dissapointed again. I don't think, there was even one tournament, where we had played with our full main team and no disconnect. There are none.
I'm done talking, it's up to you panzar. Don't know if I will care much more what's going to happen with this game.