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Time to Quit 
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Joined: Fri Nov 01, 2013 12:58 pm
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Post Time to Quit
Hi, just popped in to say goodbye to everyone I have met while playing this game, met some great people and had some fun along the way.

The reason I am quitting is simple, now level 30 has come a gunner is not needed at all in tournament and I only play the game to get gear etc to be able to play and compete at a high level and in tournaments. Until something changes if ever then my days playing Panzar are over, I still think and have said this since I first started playing and that is tournament rules should include that at least one of each class should be in all teams, that way all players can get into teams that would still leave 2 spots in a team to add whatever extra classes you want.

Anyway been a blast and have fun all, cya again if anything ever changes, I will still read forums and maybe watch some tournaments on Twitch.



Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:54 pm
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Post Re: Time to Quit
Bla bla bla, if one gunner lefts, one less child cries in africa

Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:57 pm

Joined: Fri Feb 28, 2014 1:51 am
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Post Re: Time to Quit
What? I have been playing for 2 weeks and recently got my gunner to 30. A week ago, I saw no gunners or Inq's were used in tourneys and said to myself, "Hmmm, These guys have been playing for years and have decided these classes aren't as effective as some of the other classes in a tournament format." I still love my gunner and finished his leveling but I am spending the rest of my time examining those videos to determine why they like the other classes more and making my own.
Or, you could try to convince them the gunner is worthy by stomping them with a gunner until they come around to your way of thinking.
Or, you can take your toys and go home. Your choice.

Kaboom Gunner 30
Roctar Inquisitor 10
Yukon Paladin 10
Yabo Berserker 20
Blok Tank 13

Sat Mar 15, 2014 6:46 am

Joined: Fri Nov 01, 2013 12:58 pm
Posts: 18
Post Re: Time to Quit
You been playing 2 weeks, i been playing 10 months, been playing high end tournament play for 6 months + and trust me when I say gunner is no good in tournament play at 30 atm, a decent team does not need a gunner and even if one was used they are only half decent on a handful of maps defending.

If I were you Yukon you only wasted 2 weeks, go make another character that is used a lot in tournament, I have invested too much time to be bothered to do it on another character again. And before any bright person says give it a chance wait until you got upgrades etc finished I have, mastery i got to 3524 and hp 5742 so I did achive fairly high stats and yes I considered my self to be a half decent gunner not a total noob like some i see :-)

Anyway later.

Sat Mar 15, 2014 8:14 am
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Post Re: Time to Quit
Yukon wrote:
What? I have been playing for 2 weeks and recently got my gunner to 30. A week ago, I saw no gunners or Inq's were used in tourneys and said to myself, "Hmmm, These guys have been playing for years and have decided these classes aren't as effective as some of the other classes in a tournament format." I still love my gunner and finished his leveling but I am spending the rest of my time examining those videos to determine why they like the other classes more and making my own.
Or, you could try to convince them the gunner is worthy by stomping them with a gunner until they come around to your way of thinking.
Or, you can take your toys and go home. Your choice.

Ha-ha! Nolifer!

Sat Mar 15, 2014 11:35 am
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Post Re: Time to Quit
phpBB [video]

Sat Mar 15, 2014 3:22 pm
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