"Just Join" Tournament III - 6th Apr
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Author:  White Wolf [ Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  "Just Join" Tournament III - 6th Apr



Tournament season is open again. It's time to climb out of your dusty cellars and greet the godly dawn with some sticky bloodshed. Spring cleaning awaits you as swathes of opponents sharpen their blades in greeting. So get your team registered and ready for battle.

We will have battles of 8 vs 8 in the Spirit of playing together we allow only 2 members of the same class in this tournament.

This year we will add ranking to the website so keep in mind that you can't delete your team if you want your battle to be counted correctly.

1st place 4000 crystals
2nd place 2000 crystals
3th/4th place 1000 crystals each
5th-8th place 500 crystals each

min lvl 20
max lvl 30
min player 6
max player 8

For lvl 20 to 30. Registrations open Monday 3th Apr and close the day of tournament Night at 19:40 CET. The tournament starts at 20:00 CET on Thursday 6th Apr.

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