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Hi, Panzarians!

Panzar Studio continues to improve the latest version of its opus magnum - PANZAR: REVOLT.
Recently, we successfully installed a patch that fixes problems with the matchmaking mechanism. The work is humming here, and we take this opportunity to thank everyone for their feedback, suggestions and bug reports - this is really an essential and invaluable help, friends!
We have also prepared answers to frequently asked questions about the REVOLT project and the future of the classic PANZAR.
Read, share opinions, download the game client, register and tear enemies to shreds in the Open Beta Test of PANZAR: REVOLT!

Spoiler: QA show
- What is "Panzar:Revolt" and why did we decide to make it?
The essence of "Panzar: Revolt" is the reimagined gameplay of classic Panzar. On the one hand, it is the quintessence of the audience's wishes, on the other - it's how Panzar Studio sees the development of the project taking into account current game industry trends. Bear in mind that Revolt is a separate, independent project which has nothing in common with classic Panzar.
Throughout several years the studio repeatedly conducted daring experiments, radically changing the usual paradigm of the game process which was not always unanimously accepted by our main judges - the players. So, this time we decided to approach the issue more delicately, and it is the results of "Panzar: Revolt" beta test that will determine the future of this project.
Such an approach seems to us to be the most honest and effective. We hope that you will appreciate all its advantages.

- What about the distribution model?
At the moment, we see Free-To-Play as the main distribution model for the CIS. It is possible that over time the project will be transferred to the Buy-To-Play (one-time purchase of the game) for all new players. There will be no "subscriptions" or VIPs in the game.

- Will there be different Revolt servers for different regions - EU, Russia, etc.?
At the start, only the Russian server will be available. In the future, it is planned to open other servers, with different distribution systems depending on a region - each publisher will determine the distribution model and the costs.

- And what happens to classic Panzar? What will happen to my account and game values? Do you plan some compensation for players who have invested money in the game?
Servers of the classic Panzar will continue to work without any changes. Nothing will happen to them. Accounts and all game values will be available. Also, regular tournaments and promotions will be held.
In addition, we are discussing a loyalty system for those players who have been supporting our project all these years and decided to move to Revolt, but we will be able to give more details about this system only before the release.

- When the release is scheduled? Will there be a wipe?
It depends on test results and the fixes that will be done. If there are no critical errors or bugs related to the game economy or the character development, then there will be no wipe. Therefore, we strongly recommend that everyone use accounts with real email addresses.

- Do you plan to optimize the game client?
We are constantly working on optimizing the game, but "Panzar: Revolt" has become a real revolution in this sense. There will be not only a new and optimized server part and a fast base, but also assembled parts of an armor, which significantly reduces the load on players' computers, and recounted textures on the characters, which also reduces the "noise" of textures.

- Should players expect changes in the basic caharacter characteristics or their skills to make the gameplay more familiar?
Some minor balance edits can not be ruled out now but those characteristics and the damage that are present in Revolt now, fully correspond to our vision of the game balance.

- Why was the Battle Value removed and how will the matchmaking work?
Battle Value has been removed due to a lack of need in it as well as for the reason that to increase it many players tried to use various abuses of game mechanics. Only the level remains, separate for each character.
Matchmaking in Revolt is a very complex and delicate mechanism that takes into account many factors, from your character's class and your playing skills to the number of won battles and the regularity of them. We decided not to disclose all the information to exclude attempts to influence the mechanism.

- Is it possible to transfer an account to "Panzar: Revolt"?
No, and there is no need. Revolt registration takes only a few minutes and the only elements of equipment that affect the characteristics of your character are runes. They are available in combat when you press the "B" button.

- Will the "one from each class" mode and a hard division into solo/squad games be implemented? Will there be a division of the rating/public games?
Such modes require very high numbers of players present online, and if the requirements will be met then introduction of such modes is not ruled out.

- Why we need gold if there is no upgrading in Revolt?
Gold can be used to purchase keys and basic chests with items for customization.

- Will there be new maps?
Revolt client contains five new PvP-maps and one new PvE-location. In the short term, new locations are not planned but their release in the future is quite possible.

- Will there be a possibility to use one account for both games?
No, there will not be such a possibility. For "Panzar: Revolt" you need a separate registration but you can use the same login/password or the same social network as in classic Panzar.

- Why there is only four runes now and why they were not removed?
Runes were enhanced and their number was accordingly reduced. That is, four runes now give exactly as many bonuses as a complete set of runes in classic Panzar.
The decision to leave the runes is not accidental. Different builds allow you to accurately tailor the character to your own style of gameplay.

- Will it be possible to choose a character during combat or in pre-round?
No, this contradicts the matchmaking principles.

- Do you plan to switch to a new game engine?
No. Having carefully studied all possible options for such a transition, we came to the conclusion that it is inexpedient and economically unjustified.

- Are there any gameplay changes planned?
No. In the foreseeable future, that is.

- Will you add new classes or skills?
At this stage, there is no such plans but everything can happen after some time. The structure of "Panzar: Revolt" allows us to painlessly add new classes or skills.

- Will there be a Global Map?
No, there will be not.

- Will there be an opportunity to have a nickname for the whole account?
We considered this possibility but it would require a deep processing of the game and so far we have decided to abandon the idea.

- Will old skills/old PvE/old gameplay be returned?
No, we don't have plans to return anything. If in the course of development something had been removed, it was done for a reason.

- Will there be an opportunity to "kick" allies out of combat?
No, it will not. Perhaps a system of "reports" will be introduced, but not "kicks".

- Will the changes from "Panzar: Revolt" get into classic Panzar?
No. These are completely different projects, and changes from one can not be implemented in another due to technical limitations. Work on each project will be done separately but side-by-side.

99 little bugs in the code, 99 little bugs in the code, take one down, patch it around, 117 little bugs in the code.

Wed Dec 27, 2017 1:43 pm
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