So, here is a guide for our friends who don't understand Russian
hope it will help anyone:
P.S. in case if you don't see Russian letters you can just press on places, where they are on images.
P.P.S. First of all you should try with your email (from 6th step) and if there is no email with account activation, then follow all steps from 1st.
1 step Let's create Russian mail (to 100% get account for game)
1) Go to After you'll think - OMFG what the hell is it? Where are all normal letters and so on, let's move to the second point
2) Press on this text "Регистрация в почте"
2 step Creating mail 3) We are on creating mail page. Don't look at all this text, we need here only few points. But we still have to complete them.
* "Имя"- name, type whatever you want. For example asdasddsa it's not important.
* "Фамилия" - Surname. Here for example dsadsaasd.
* "День рождения" - Birthday. Here is 3 bars. 1- day, 2- month, 3- year. Also not important which numbers you'll put here.
* "Город" - City. Choose which looks or sounds the best
* "Пол" - Gender. Man /Woman
4) Here are main points.
* "Почтовый ящик" - your mail address (yourname). It will be Write there what you want and remember it, you will have to write it after some steps.
* "Пароль" - password. I think you know what is means, write your password and remember it.
* "Повторите пароль" - repeat your password.
In last underlined point press on "У меня нет мобильного телефона" and fill some more information:
* "Секретный вопрос" - Secret question. In first cell choose first question ("Девичья фамилия матери")
* "Ответ" - Answer. Write asdasd or something another, but with letters!
5) Write code from picture.
Hurray! We've done it! Now you are in your mail.
Let's create game account!6 step Creating game account Open in new window
Panzar:Forged by Chaos URL. (Don't close your new mail window, or you can close, if you are sure, that you remember all details, how to enter)
7)If you want, you can press on small button where you can see British flag, so you will change language on English, but anyway, next step which we make will be on Russian (not everything is still translated)
8) Press on that "PLAY" button (or that button "Играть" if you didn't change language)
So, here you can see another window. Press on "Зарегистрироваться" (Register)
Filling information for game account Here aren't so many points, so I won't describe each very long.
9) Email- write there you new email. (
10) "Введите пароль" - Type your password (it can be different from your mail password, remember, that now you're creating account for game)
11) "Повторите пароль" - Repeat password.
12) "Проверочный код" - Type code, which you see on the picture.
13) Press on green button, where is typed "Следующая" (Next)
14 step Continue filling information many points
Here you can fill information about you, but it isn't necessary, so you can skip it with pressing on green button "Следующая" (Next) again.
15) Finally you will see last page of registration, press on button that is from the right, where is written "Готово" (Ready)
16) Open you mail window, open new letter that just came and press on link there.
17) Your game account is activated!
18 step Downloading game Hurray! Let's finish it and download game.
Here is link Install it !
If someone will have problems with installation or questions how to make it- write, I will also describe it.
But it is similar to other games, press every time 1 button (if I'm not wrong - button is from the right sight
there must be written "Дальше" (Next) )
After the game is installed, launch it and you'll see the same window.
First of all, let's change our graphics settings:
20) Press on that button (look at the picture)!
After that, you will see new window:
As you see, I have already translated some moments, now I will only explain what you can change here:
1) Resolution, in my case you see, that it's 1360x768. You choose yours.
2) Quality. There are 4 options:
* "Низкое" - "Low" It means, that quality will be very low (small elements like bushes won't be displayed. In some cases it can be plus, for example to see teleports and so on), but game will run fast.
* "Средне" - "Middle" Quality will be a little bit better then "very fast".
* "Высокое" - "High" Good quality.
* "Очень высокое" - "Very high" The best quality. Everything will be displayed, all small elements like grass movement and so on. Helps, when you want to see inquisitors. (Requires more computer power)
3) Full screen - If crossed, then game will run full screen, if not- window mode. (you can always switch between them by pressing Atl + Enter)
Ok, we've done it!
Press "OK" button and let's go to the next step!
21) Type here you email.
22) Type here your game account password.
23) Press on that button.
Wait until your game will be checked.
23) Press on that button, to launch the game!
After game loading you'll see character creation menu.
You can read about characters here:
* "Берсерк" - Berserk* "Паладин" - Paladin* "Сапёр" - Saper* "Волшебница" - Sorcerer* "Инквизитор" - Inquisitor* "Танк" - Tank* "Маг" - Wizard* "Техник" - Technic some controls: WASD as usual, space to jump, Shift to run faster, Q to show names, X to call paladin, V to say something in game and Ctrl to block attacks. LMB (Left mouse button) to make simple attack, RMB (Right mouse button) to make power attack (available only when you can see text at the bottom. There is written exactly - Power Attack! ).
Here I will finish my guide
Now you know, how to create game account and enter game. For the next steps I'd recommend you to watch this video: luck and see you in game!