The Matchmaking Disaster
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Author:  Gurkenlord [ Sun Apr 28, 2013 7:25 pm ]
Post subject:  The Matchmaking Disaster

First i need to say that this game is great. Great graphics, extreme great Leveldesign and a general good balance.

But the bigges problem in my eyes is the matchmaking.

In the last 20 matches i and my friends(all lvl7-8) played, we played together and against lvl 10-12 Players with full lvl 10 Items and full equipped trinkets.

We play against Players like AllStar, OptimeL and NoName. Some of this got more than twice the live we got as paladin.

I really dont want to call this game pay2win because the problem is the not really working matchmaking.

I its not only me thinking like that. Its a pure disaster to play this game.

Author:  CKB [ Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Matchmaking Disaster

I agree, it's quite imbalanced in terms of matchmaking.

One suggestion I'd make for Panzar is sorting.

Total up specific values from items/equipment, and sort matchmaking games by those values, within a certain range.
Level doesn't mean everything, either.

I think matchmaking will be improved in the coming weeks as more players start getting involved. Right now, it's probably so loosely-designed so that all players have an actual chance to get in games. Even though you're overpowered, you can still gain EXP by placing a few damage points on someone who gets killed.

Author:  zwoefy [ Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Matchmaking Disaster

you know its only whit 3 lvls


lvl 1 -5 5-8 8-11 or 2-5 6-9 always whit 3 lvls so it cant be you fight against lvl 12 or so they just have amulets and stuff

Author:  Grumlok [ Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Matchmaking Disaster

lvl or equip is actually not the biggie...
Amulets are the deal, example attack speed makes the other attack twice as fast as you.., or movement speed you cant run away..,
hp reg heal urself while blocking..

Author:  white_noise [ Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Matchmaking Disaster

Grumlok wrote:
lvl or equip is actually not the biggie...
Amulets are the deal, example attack speed makes the other attack twice as fast as you.

Amulet only gives 5% bonus to attack speed. But...
- Every class has different basic attack speed.
- Inquisitor and berserker has buffs that can greatly increase attack speed.
- Paladin has ability to increase attack speed for all allies around him.

Author:  allensan [ Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Matchmaking Disaster

not enough people yet for have a good matchmaking.
It s not the fault of players like allstar or optimal , or the fault of developer.
It s just question of time, in 1 month , it will be good if the game win new player.

Author:  Yeh_Budii [ Tue Apr 30, 2013 2:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Matchmaking Disaster

allensan wrote:
not enough people yet for have a good matchmaking.
It s not the fault of players like allstar or optimal , or the fault of developer.
It s just question of time, in 1 month , it will be good if the game win new player.

I can believe this.

However, the problem now is we're scaring off all the new player's. It'll stay that way until more people level up. I'm going to level past 10 tomorrow after I get the last bit of gold I need to buy all the level 10 recipes. Hopefully more people will join me and leave the lower bracket's. If not I'll just make an alt.

Author:  Synsane [ Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Matchmaking Disaster

I'm not stacked with all amulets and stuff, but I am taking noobs onto my team and carrying and winnning games so they have fun in 1-4. n.n

Author:  jing [ Wed May 01, 2013 4:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Matchmaking Disaster

that's the wonder of pay2win!!

stuff that the DEVs do not want the average gamers to know

Author:  Synsane [ Thu May 02, 2013 1:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Matchmaking Disaster

Gurkenlord wrote:
First i need to say that this game is great. Great graphics, extreme great Leveldesign and a general good balance.

But the bigges problem in my eyes is the matchmaking.

In the last 20 matches i and my friends(all lvl7-8) played, we played together and against lvl 10-12 Players with full lvl 10 Items and full equipped trinkets.

We play against Players like AllStar, OptimeL and NoName. Some of this got more than twice the live we got as paladin.

I really dont want to call this game pay2win because the problem is the not really working matchmaking.

I its not only me thinking like that. Its a pure disaster to play this game.

level 7 you can play with up to 11 thats your bracket. So obviously you'll be faced with them. They are all level 10s and 11s going into the match as a team. So matchmaking keeps them on the same side.

This game isn't pay to win. Those players are also from the Russian server, so they're much better than you. They know the game better, and work together better.

It's already been proven they can pwn us EU players without and amulets and runes, those just make the job a little bit quicker. But most people level 9+ have amulets and runes, and they still own them.

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