Game modes
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Author:  white_noise [ Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Game modes

I've noticed some confusion about the maps and game modes. Especially at breaking points, when new maps start to show. So here is a little guide.

Game mode: Domination.
Available from level 1.
Maps: Arena of the Warlords, Orc Shrine, Jungle Village, Hall of Our Fathers (up to level 4).
Two teams start from permanent equidistant spawn points and fight for the spot in the middle.
Team need to get all enemies out of the spot and place at least one of their own players there to start gaining score.
The more players stays in the spot, the quicker you gain the score.
The game goes untill one of the teams gets 500 points, or time runs out (in that case the victor is determined by the highest score).

Game mode: King of the Hill.
Available from level 4.
Maps: Expanse of Mists, Cannibal Stronghold.
Two teams start from temporary equidistant spawn points and fight for the spot in the middle.
Team need to get all enemies out of the spot and place at least one of their own players there to start capturing it.
The more players stays in the spot, the quicker it will be captured.
Team who holds the spot gets closer defensive respawn point and another team gets far respawn to attack.
As soon, as spot changes its holder the respawn points are flips too.
The team that holds the spot is gaining score.
The score climbs up no matter what and with constant speed.
The game goes untill one of the teams gets 500 points. No time limit.

Game mode: Siege.
Available from level 4.
Maps: Siege of the Swamp Fort, Dwarven Quarry, Orc Burgwall, Alchemists’ Citadel.
One team starts as a defender and anoter team as an attacker.
There are several consecutive spots to hold/take and respawn points changes if next spot is taken.
Spots works the same way as in 'King of the Hill' mode: you need to drive enemy team out and hold the spot long enough to capture.
The goal of attackers is to take all spots until time runs out. They have 15 minutes at start and +5 (but no more than 15 total) for every spot taken.
The goal of defenders is to hold the spots until time runs out.

Game mode: Rugby.
Available from level 10.
Maps: Meteor Hunt (available from level 20), Night of Infernal Farmers (bonus map available only at Halloween), Sandstorm Temple (the name may be different in english version).
Two teams start from permanent equidistant spawn points.
The goal is to get hold of the "ball" and take it to the enemy base.
The game goes until 3 balls are in, or time runs out.
In case of a draw, a team with the higher personal score wins.

Game mode: Mechanism (at least this was the name last time I've checked).
Available from level 10.
Maps: Snowman Bay (bonus map available only at New Year, now getting revamped for everyday use).
Two teams start from permanent equidistant (kinda) spawn points.
The goal is to get hold of the "box" and take it to one of available points to build a "thing".
As soon as "thing" is built, the builder team starts getting score, and need to defend the "thing".
Another team becomes attacker and need to destroy the "thing" ASAP, get the "box" and build their own "thing".
The game goes untill one of the teams gets 500 points, or time runs out (in that case the victor is determined by the highest score).

Also check out Locations section of Panzar site.

Author:  CKB [ Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game modes

Awesome! Thank you. I was a little confused on some of the specifics of the game modes. This pretty much cleared 'er right up.

Author:  Synsane [ Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Game modes

Hey! This is great!

I copy and pasted this onto the OnRPG forums and credited you white_noise. Great stuff, I was confused and not sure myself before.

Author:  white_noise [ Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Game modes

Glad to help.

Author:  ComptonEMT [ Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game modes

white_noise wrote:
Game mode: Mechanism (at least this was the name last time I've checked).
Available from level 10.
Maps: Snowman Bay (bonus map available only at New Year, now getting revamped for everyday use).
Two teams start from permanent equidistant (kinda) spawn points.
The goal is to get hold of the "box" and take it to one of available points to build a "thing".
As soon as "thing" is built, the builder team starts getting score, and need to defend the "thing".
Another team becomes attacker and need to destroy the "thing" ASAP, get the "box" and build their own "thing".
The game goes untill one of the teams gets 500 points, or time runs out (in that case the victor is determined by the highest score).

Also check out Locations section of Panzar site.

Any word on when this is going to go live? sounds pretty awesome to me =)

Author:  zhelka [ Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game modes

ComptonEMT wrote:
white_noise wrote:
Snowman Bay (bonus map available only at New Year, now getting revamped for everyday use).

Any word on when this is going to go live? sounds pretty awesome to me =)

This map is already done and will be added in the next patch (maybe on this month).

Author:  ComptonEMT [ Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game modes

zhelka wrote:
ComptonEMT wrote:
white_noise wrote:
Snowman Bay (bonus map available only at New Year, now getting revamped for everyday use).

Any word on when this is going to go live? sounds pretty awesome to me =)

This map is already done and will be added in the next patch (maybe on this month).

Awesome... i hope you're right...

Author:  aasihunter [ Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game modes

I'm just i can play those game modes? Do they come randomly or do i have to do something..? :oops:

Author:  Sindri [ Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Game modes

aasihunter wrote:
I'm just i can play those game modes? Do they come randomly or do i have to do something..? :oops:

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