Looking for a clan
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Author:  Meatloaf [ Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Looking for a clan

Hello, I have a 26 tank and one of each alts looking for a clan to participate in tournaments, clan vs clan, etc.

I have been playing this game since 2014, but never really stuck to it because I didn't have anyone to play it with, but as I found this forum I am trying to make some friends and stay in the game.

Author:  Rin the Hateful [ Wed Apr 12, 2017 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for a clan

Most teams look for people with lvl 30, next requirement is epic gear, and then upgrades :) So don't get discouraged if you won't find a clan yet! With maxed level you should have an easier time

I wouldn't count on any clan vs clan though. Tournaments are usually pretty frequent as it is, so a) players don't feel the need to, and b) I've always felt like clans don't really like each other very much and there's a constant tention between them

Author:  Meatloaf [ Thu Apr 13, 2017 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for a clan

Well I'm not far from 30, cannot say the same for epic gear, only 1/5 on me and sadly they take so many resources to craft. So I guess it will be sometime until I will compete in tournaments. :/

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