during warmup everyone has 0 points. In what order are the names arranged? We guess they are sorted by age. But we don't know if it is the age of the character or the age of the account. Older "names" stand higher in the list. But can it happen that a player with a very old account creates a new char and therefore is listed under my semi-old char (sort by age of char) or is he always listed above me (sort by age of account)?
I know (or better I guess) that this sort rule applies always when two players have the same points. Since during warmup everyone has 0 points it is the easiest example.
_________________ Very, very disappointed gamer and thus not a possible customer due to hotfixes 33.5 & 33.6 and patch 33.7
- Paladin -
Revenge is a dish best served cold Old Klingon Proverb
Mon Mar 24, 2014 5:52 am
Panzar Studio
Joined: Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:32 am Posts: 160
Re: Order of player list during warmup (equal points)
Names are arranged by playerId in the database. The oldest characters are on top.
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