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Patch 33 on Monday the 24th 
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Joined: Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:44 am
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Post Patch 33 on Monday the 24th
Dear Players, here are the edited Patch notes by Panzar Admin. I can't guarantee right now that the foreign language versions are corrected - pls contact your mods if you see any errors.

Due to the patch notes leak which led to them being published before they had been validated or edited, it must be clear to the whole community, that in the future, any player who shares confidential Panzar information, accidentally or on purpose, will be banned.

General Changes:
1. New game mode: PvE - (player versus computer bots). Game mode details:
- 4 difficulty levels to choose from;
- Solo and Teams modes with max 6 players (in PvP, groups are still limited to 3 players);
- Classes subject to same restrictions as PvP mode (max. number of classes per match).
2. Improved After Battle Statistics.
3. Battle Value (effectiveness) of a character now displayed in the game menu and in game stats menu during a battle.
4. Killcam: follow your allies while waiting for respawn.
5. New animation for Victory and Defeat.
6. Tutorial videos now available for all Altar skills, Forge and Item Upgrades in the corresponding game tabs.
7. Forge: Armour organised by type.
8. Shop: equipment parts once again available for purchase in the Armour section.
9. Game client alerts players to newly available items in the Forge and Shop.
10. All armour organised by level: Light, Medium, Heavy.
11. New Forge mechanics. Crafting armour is dependent on achieving the previous level. For example, players cannot craft Heavy Pauldrons until they have crafted Medium Pauldrons. However, current characters will receive access to all items of the level they are on, regardless of items crafted before.
12. Improved game balance.
13. Modified Battle Value impact. Player’s rankings are more stable.
14. Inquisitor and Gunner classes are now restricted. Players must have at least one level 5 character to unlock Gunner and Inquisitor classes.
15. Game Client optimisation: significantly less unplanned game closures.
16. Crystals will no longer be received for levelling up.
17. Resources cannot be bought with crystals.
18. ”Hall of Our Fathers” location has been redesigned.
19. Arquebus has been removed for levels 4,7,14,17,24,27.
- If the character has this equipment (levels 4,7,14,17,24,27) when the game is updated, he will automatically receive the next level of Arquebus that he can use immediately.
- If a player is crafting an Arquebus of these levels when this option is deleted, the crafting process will be stopped. All resources used in the crafting process will be turned into Mythic Stones.
20. Dwarf sets are cheaper.
21. Individual items for Dwarves are a bit more expensive.
23. Mythic stones can be exchanged for ingredients to make potions. NEW ADDITION

Changes to Game Balance:
1. Gunner: “Beacon” skill. The turret travels faster (2 secs, down from 3 secs). The appearance mechanics have been changed. The player teleporting the turret will be moved backwards if he stands on the beacon.
2. Paladin: “Sacrifice” radius increased to affect all skill levels within 15 metres range (before the effect was limited to 6 - 11m range).
3. Paladin: “Purification” effect radius increased to 17 metres (from 15m).
4. Capture time on the 5th point of “Dwarven Quarry” increased by 5 seconds.
5. Recovery times increased for the following skills:
- from 10 to 20 seconds: Berserker “Vortex of War”;
- from 10 to 16 seconds: Inquisitor “Fetters”;
- from 10 to 29 seconds: Paladin “Ring of Immortality”;
- from 10 to 20 seconds: Sister of Fire “Skyfire”;
- from 20 to 35 seconds: Tank “Invincibility”;
- from 5 to 11 seconds: Frost Witch “Instant Freeze”.
6. Third phase of second capture point was removed at “Cursed Shrine” map.

Bugs and Error Corrections:
1. Berserker cannot jump with meteor or mechanism in hands.
2. No buff icons for cannons level 1 to 5.
3. Fixed error when taking screenshots with Win32.
4. Fixed error causing crashes when exchanging resources with Win32.
5. Player ranking (after group disbands) is now correctly updated in the Social tab.
6. There was a bug, when Tank under Paladin Powder buff regained stamina while holding block. Tank no longer replenishes energy from Paladin powders when blocking.
7. No longer possible to access the mechanism from under the pier in “Toxic Bay”.
8. Animation of LMB (Left Mouse Button) attacks of Berserk after Combat Jump corrected.
9. Fixed error stopping player from taking the meteor if he is at the gate and the meteor is lying outside the gate.
10. No-build zone extended on the rock next to first capture point on thе “Elven Pier” map.
11. Fixed error causing character to die when jumping through gate of “Meteor Hunt” map.
12. Fixed error allowing Gunners get under the textures using cannon and two teslas.
13. Fixed error causing game freeze when updating tournament table.

Thank you!
Everything we have achieved with this patch could not have been done without the help of our awesome players. They actively participated in the testing stage and even found the time to locate a number of errors in our game client.
And these players are (in no particular order): HUNHammer, Snookeh, Tephis, Karioka, DeadIsPeace, iEagleJim, Curical, Algatzar, Svet-Angle, Melissa-aK and White Wolf.

With kind regards,

White Wolfs
White Wolfs P - White Wolfs B - White Wolfs T - White Wolfs G - White Wolfs S - White Wolfs FW - White Wolfs SF

Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:53 pm
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Joined: Fri Aug 23, 2013 9:22 am
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Post Re: Patch 33 on Monday the 24th
looks pretty nice but whats with the player vs. devs at 20.march? :cry:


Great Bunny


Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:15 pm
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Post Re: Patch 33 on Monday the 24th
insta 11 sec skyfire 20 sec joke?

EDIT: "Crystals will no longer be received for levelling up" anoterh joke

EDITdeux: from 10 to 16 seconds: Inquisitor “Fetters”; When it was 10 seconds? another joke again
phpBB [video]

Last edited by Mr.Unsichtbar on Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:19 pm
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Post Re: Patch 33 on Monday the 24th
some things are, how to say it... strange ^^ the rest seems fair and good for the game

member of God of War

tank cokeliko 20
heal lanonyme 20
frost cokelichnette 20
fire cocorico 20
sapper cokelaki 20
inqui cocolinette 20

how to kill a game? ask panzar crew !

Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:32 pm
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Post Re: Patch 33 on Monday the 24th
White Wolf wrote:
6. Tank no longer replenishes energy from Paladin powders when blocking.
Paladin has no energy powder. Do you mean that Tanks no longer get mana from the blue mana powder while they use the magic shield? That would kill the synergy from tank and paladin I think. Tanks will use the shield until out of mana, drink manapot, use shield again.

I'm curious about how the other changes will work out. For me as Paladin: Purification radius icreased by 2 meters? Nice to have, but... :| And Sacrifice? I doubt that change can make the skill more useful.

Very, very disappointed gamer and thus not a possible customer due to hotfixes 33.5 & 33.6 and patch 33.7

- Paladin -

Revenge is a dish best served cold
Old Klingon Proverb

Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:47 pm
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Post Re: Patch 33 on Monday the 24th
White Wolf wrote:
7. Capture time on the 5 points of “Dwarven Quarry” increased by 5 seconds.
Huh, capturing the points on this map is already so hard when gunners set up well enough, now +5 seconds to go to the next one? ;o

White Wolf wrote:
9. Third phase of second capture point was removed at “Cursed Shrine” map.
I hope the devs improved the mechanism of the platform that rises while being captured. There were not few times when I was trapped under the texture while I was lying on the floor going up at the same time.

As for the tank and his energy, if its about mana, then paladin's mana powder is no longer useful ;o only for icewitch, but still, cmon... and firemages are out of range usually.

Last edited by Xylar on Thu Mar 20, 2014 2:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Mar 20, 2014 12:30 am

Joined: Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:13 pm
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Post Re: Patch 33 on Monday the 24th
Unisichtbar you fool, it means you can't use 2 skyfires within 20 seconds, not that the skyfire lasts 20 seconds now

Thu Mar 20, 2014 12:42 am
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Post Re: Patch 33 on Monday the 24th
Looking forward for the patch!

My fan made Panzar Gameplay Trailer
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Thu Mar 20, 2014 1:47 am
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Post Re: Patch 33 on Monday the 24th
Snookeh wrote:
Unisichtbar you fool, it means you can't use 2 skyfires within 20 seconds, not that the skyfire lasts 20 seconds now

ahhh You are genius! GUYS I FOUND ALBERT EINSTEIN. And this Albert Einstein is my padawan :o Im proud with my padawan!

Thu Mar 20, 2014 11:52 am

Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 12:27 am
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Post Re: Patch 33 on Monday the 24th
3. Gunner: “Beacon” skill. The bullets travel faster (2 secs, down from 3 secs). Their appearance is also different. Now if a player is hit, the blast will push him backwards.

If the target is blocking, does the blast push him backwards too?

Senkai - lvl 20 Sapper
##### - lvl 1 - 10 characters
Not getting tired of unbalances, yet

Thu Mar 20, 2014 3:31 pm
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