Clan wars
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Author:  Messenjah [ Fri Mar 28, 2014 1:53 am ]
Post subject:  Clan wars

Is it possible to play clan wars against ru-servers team? why it's necessary:
1) there are only few teams that have more or less constant composition and ready to train
2) teams from ru server much stronger and teams from eu will not have even a chance to compete with them in future cross-server tournaments(I hope that panzar studio will organizing such tournaments) without training aginst strong opponents
3) gain experience in major team games allow people to improve their skills and act with dignity in tournaments

it is only a small part of the many reasons, would like to know the views of players and panzar studio in this regard
p.s: special thanks to google translate

Author:  Vizzerdrix [ Fri Mar 28, 2014 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Clan wars

Messenjah wrote:
Is it possible to play clan wars against ru-servers team? why it's necessary:
1) there are only few teams that have more or less constant composition and ready to train
2) teams from ru server much stronger and teams from eu will not have even a chance to compete with them in future cross-server tournaments(I hope that panzar studio will organizing such tournaments) without training aginst strong opponents
3) gain experience in major team games allow people to improve their skills and act with dignity in tournaments

it is only a small part of the many reasons, would like to know the views of players and panzar studio in this regard
p.s: special thanks to google translate

Sad to say, but it is impossible.

Author:  Messenjah [ Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Clan wars


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