What is Happening Contest II - 21th Nov to 27th Nov

You have succeeded in improving Zar mood but now Himera god of the humans is wondering what you are thinking on the battle field.
Crystal rewards 500/300/100 for top-3.
- Take this pic and add your texts to the balloons.
- English Only
- Make it funny or best fitting the situation.
- Add your ingame main char name to the post.
- Add your zone you play in to the post.
- Start of this contest as of now
- Closed 27th Nov at 12:00 pm CET
- 3 judges, Me, Panzar Studio and public (public will get 2 days to vote)
You can use
http://imgbox.com/ ot upload and post you pic to this tread.
So this is what I want to see but with a funny text.
Tip: Reading balloons is from top to bottom and left to right. The highest Ballone is normally the start of the conversation.
Name: White ….
Zone: EU