% for craftin(only to express frustr., donaters not welcome)
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Author:  Xylar [ Mon Jun 08, 2015 11:55 pm ]
Post subject:  % for craftin(only to express frustr., donaters not welcome)

(typed in the end) Just like I said, if you are svet angel or someone if this kind, or come here to say this game is not p2w, it's not a place for you. You won't change my point of view and you won't impact on me in any way either.

I have just tried to craft red potions, 3 times in a row. Claimed chance of success: 50%.
Guess, how many times did I succeed?
F..king Z E R O times. Simple mathematical probability of such a result is 12,5%. It's 1 in 8. One - in - eight.
Recently on 8 trials i succeeded in 2. Is that 50%?
What is the chance of that the 50% is real and not lied?
Have anyone of you succeeded e.g. 3x in a row while crafting these potions? No? Me neither. And i failed 3x in a row at least 3 times already (taking more or less last month).
And I am even scared to think of the claimed 40% chance for epics.

I know a lot of people who won't pay for crystals here just because it's such a model. And yeah we might be masochists. it. I will never help such a stupidness grow up, I damn hope they will become bancrupts, sell the rights to some people from the West who will make this game rule in the world.

China will not make it. When China comes in, I bet EU will be completely dead by half a year. And well.. I don't know much about Chinese culture.. But it must've come from somewhere to me that Chinese ppl don't play computer games. Or even if.. As far as i found, China a few years ago finally sold more computers than the US. Now taking into consider that Chinese export market is ... huge, we can say (when being very positively thinking) that there are as many users as in the US. Now.. How many are tehre players from the US here?
Then, US+EU contact with RU is almost none, but yet some 'west' people know Russian and a few Russians know English. Chinese is.. is 10 words with a different accent having 10 different meanings. Chinese is cosmos. The Internet in China is to some degree censoired. There is 'The Great Firewall' as well.
China will not make it. This is not the way.

It's the Europe and America who create games that conquer the world and it's the Europe's and the America's market that only counts. Devs should never give up on us, but it's not enough. Comunism is failure, it is only a theory (real comunism does not exist). You can't do with your product whatever you want, you can't spoil it by doing the exact opposite to what users want and call for, and still think you will succeed, live a life from it meaning make a fortune from it. Unless 'this' (which we have now) is your top goal.

I do know I am now doing a useless thing, too. But I calmed down which was my goal ^^ Greetings.

Author:  Rin the Hateful [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 5:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: % for craftin(only to express frustr., donaters not welc

Actually, I manage to craft potions few times in a row... It's everything else that gets burned.

I've been waiting for some kind of "new" Panzar, got patch 37. It didn't really change any of the problems, so I'm still waiting. Perhaps one day it will pay off :d

Author:  Xylar [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: % for craftin(only to express frustr., donaters not welc

Every next patch is worse, I'm afraid nothing's gonna get better.

Author: [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: % for craftin(only to express frustr., donaters not welc

Xylar wrote:
Every next patch is worse, I'm afraid nothing's gonna get better.

Don't cry my child,try learn to play

Author:  -Prof3ssoR- [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: % for craftin(only to express frustr., donaters not welc wrote:
Xylar wrote:
Every next patch is worse, I'm afraid nothing's gonna get better.

Don't cry my child,try learn to play

sorry svet he's right

Author:  Xylar [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 12:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: % for craftin(only to express frustr., donaters not welc

I am a seer :lol:

Author: [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: % for craftin(only to express frustr., donaters not welc

-Prof3ssoR- wrote: wrote:
Xylar wrote:
Every next patch is worse, I'm afraid nothing's gonna get better.

Don't cry my child,try learn to play

sorry svet he's right

I didn't say he is not
I said,,don't cry,, and learn to play

Author:  Xylar [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 12:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: % for craftin(only to express frustr., donaters not welc

Xylar wrote:
I am a seer :lol:
aren't i? :)

Author:  Asmoy [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: % for craftin(only to express frustr., donaters not welc

Guys, i dont know why so many of you doesnt understand meaning of the probability.
I can only propose you doing a test - keep crafting potions , write down your succeses and failures , and then , after
100 tries , you will see the % chance of crafting potion (it may be not etxcacly 50/50 but it should be around that )
if you still dont understand why 10 tries aren't enough to check the probability , get back to primary school , there some 10-year old kid will explain you how does the percentage chance work.
Sorry i'm so rude but this whole community is only complaining and crying intead of thinking , im tired of it.
And yes , i have managed to craft potions few times in a row , and i have also managed to fail doing those potions few times in a row .

Author: [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: % for craftin(only to express frustr., donaters not welc

Asmoy wrote:
Guys, i dont know why so many of you doesnt understand meaning of the probability.
I can only propose you doing a test - keep crafting potions , write down your succeses and failures , and then , after
100 tries , you will see the % chance of crafting potion (it may be not etxcacly 50/50 but it should be around that )
if you still dont understand why 10 tries aren't enough to check the probability , get back to primary school , there some 10-year old kid will explain you how does the percentage chance work.
Sorry i'm so rude but this whole community is only complaining and crying intead of thinking , im tired of it.
And yes , i have managed to craft potions few times in a row , and i have also managed to fail doing those potions few times in a row .

Finally a clever man.

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