About goldleague Points.
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Author:  Auni [ Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  About goldleague Points.

You give Exclusive half points cause breaking the rules, BUT we dont break the Rules, i will explain this for you!
7.9 Golden League if a team is missing one player, it is allowed the opportunity to play with seven players without any penalties. If a team cannot present 7 starting players in a game, it is allowed into the game only with the receipt of penalty points.

We start first Round with 7 Player, read this its allowed!!
6.5 From the moment the Grid is displayed 70% of the team player composition needs to stay the same from the beginning and end of the tournament.

70% of 7 player are 4,9
70% of 8 player are 5,6 anyway we was 7!!

Its also allowed to play with a Twink on his Account!!!

So first game we start with 7
Eisbaer,Swiwtif,asmoy,stanlee,mouho,yasnistky,chefeh,Chaos,- We change nothing, we give only 1 person into the team.
Third Game
Eisbaer,Swiwtif,asmoy,stanlee,tizbers,yasnistky,chefeh,snowflake(its chaos!!!!!!)We change 1 People -> Mouho for Tiz
Four Game
Eisbaer,swiwtif,Asmoy,Tizbers,Bugei EU, Chefeh,Chaos.-(Its snowflake!!!!) We change 1 People Bugei eu for yasnitsky !!! Second change all allowed read the rules!!
Fifth Game
Eisbaer,Swiwtif,asmoy,tizbers,bugai eu, chefeh chaos or snowflake im not sure, but anyway sameperson all okay!!

THis was the game from disorder!!

VS Armada we CHange noone, only chaos go to his twink snowflake, and tizbers go to tizgun sometome!

Tell me Rule what we broke!! Disorder im really angry about your team now, you flame cause you lost ! thats all, you cry 2 hours after the Tournament in the Globalchat!
Cant you win by your own playskill? just flameskill? bad

Whitewolf check pls the Logs of every game, i dont LIE.
I want our Points back, i think this is a joke.
First of all what the pony is 70% for a rule? its for 8 player 5,6 % i can change a half person or what?

Author:  -Prof3ssoR- [ Mon Jul 06, 2015 10:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: About goldleague Points.

Maybe they cry on global 2 hours, You cry on forum, so?

You like show us rules so i show You one

10.2 Discussing the final decision taken by the Administration with regard to any situation is sufficient cause for a disqualification.

Good night

Author:  Auni [ Mon Jul 06, 2015 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: About goldleague Points.

lol, okay admin can break the rule!
And if i say he is false, i got disq. he is a diktator or what?

I think whitewolf will read my post, and he will check also the Logs, i mean.
Exclusive play all tournament since 16 mounths, and we never break any rule! We alltime Play fair.
We dont flame other guys !

And i think we have a nice match vs Disorder, and im very sad that this team dont accept the lose after a good game, no they cry to CM!
And also for punish us, before checking the logs, this is also a little mistake whitewolf ;)
But i trust you, i hope you will watch the logs !

Second Point!
Make the Rulesite new, this Rules are very old, and i dont know update it. Every tournament the same puppies.
And second Point, you all know the Situation about playerbase in Europa.
Swiwti has alot of Work to get a full Team every Week.
He write to guys and so on, and if we got then a full Team, or nearly full.
Must start anyway with 7 guys, and give them a freewin. After this we turn the game , and win it! You will punish us for this?

Author:  ExPloSiion [ Tue Jul 07, 2015 2:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: About goldleague Points.

Yeah and exclusif cheat 16 month. Eaglejim play account lynerx all team Know that and the rule = delete account. But for that you don't cry and there you say nothing ?

Author:  Auni [ Tue Jul 07, 2015 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: About goldleague Points.

oh my god everyone play other accounts, if you want to bann someone for this.
Bann full europa Panzar, cause everyone play on other accounts.

and lynerx was not here on sunday, why you talk about that?

I know nearly 40-50 europa player who do that, if you want to punish us for this also, i give you the names from this player's.
Have fun to delete 50 Account's :)

And on Russianserver every good Clan do this! they search for player, and give them Account. Admin's dont care!

Anyway, we dont break any rule on sunday, i was watching the rulesite all 10 Mins on the tournament, and we do nothing wrong.
If you want to Punish us for something, you must write the Rules correktly! but the Rules are Online, we dont break any of this, so we got our points back .
I dont understand why you want to punish us, i talk yesterday also with you.
If we got our points back, you play on sunday vs us , if you win you got second place i think, if you loose third place.

Where is the problem? Your team scared ?

Author:  ExPloSiion [ Tue Jul 07, 2015 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: About goldleague Points.

Bugai too :)

Author:  ExPloSiion [ Tue Jul 07, 2015 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: About goldleague Points.

scared for what ? you change 5 player and it's my team is scared ? Lol :lol:

Author:  Auni [ Tue Jul 07, 2015 11:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: About goldleague Points.

we dont change 5 people, you are a dumb person thats all.
whitewolf will see that if he check the logs, we change only 2 people, and give a 8 player in.
He can also check the IP's!

Your problem is, if we are full your team is loosing, and your only way is to try , to disq. us.
Really bad from your team, and this show us what you think about fairplay!
i say it to you yesterday, i have enough from you and your Clanmates, i was happy that we got a third Clan who are good, and we have finnaly a nice gold league .
BUT NO you all destroy this with your Crying about breaking rules, while we dont break any!

And now, dont waste your Time, i dont answer you again, i want a statement from whitewolf, and also screenshots about the GameLogs .

See you.

Author:  ExPloSiion [ Tue Jul 07, 2015 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: About goldleague Points.

-Prof3ssoR- wrote:

10.2 Discussing the final decision taken by the Administration with regard to any situation is sufficient cause for a disqualification.

Author:  White Wolf [ Tue Jul 07, 2015 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: About goldleague Points.


Rule say 70% of team from moment Grid is visible. This rule was designed to prevent full teams from moving between team to get the strongest players in other team and it is used against the team you are in.



8 player and 8 players are same with 1 offline


8 player and 7 players are same


8 player and 6 players are same

Bugai Eu

8 player and 5 players are same

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