Flames on tournament !
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Author:  Auni [ Fri Oct 30, 2015 12:05 am ]
Post subject:  Flames on tournament !

Hello all.
What is going wrong with our community?
We got flamed alot of time's in globalchat(exclusive) full tournament day is just full of flames.
And FInalteam (united legion) play Naked and just chat in full game with us, and blame us , but dont play in the FINAL game from our tournament.
Second time that United legion do this. Now they told us reason is cause russian player.
Last time they write, cause they play against us in first rounds, and ya they just give up before the game start.

First of all you must understand, that panzar studio offer us this tournament .
For us is nice crystal-> but also tournament play's should be a little bit advisment for newer player!
Its a nogo to Flame Tournament player's and stop playing tournament, and then send a email to panzar studio and want crystal!
Also playing naked in Final and ruin the offiziel panzar Europe stream is a pony JOKE!
Not Exclusive ruin the Tournament, you do this with this nonsense !

Most player have no mentality to win Games, and flame only each other!
And you wounder why we dont take anybody of you, and we search for nice person on other server's?

Second Point, Some Clan's / Player flame us, who NEVER win in 2-3 Year's against us, but now if we take 2-3 Russian server player you start crying????
ONLY 1 Team Armada can be angry about us, cause they was
winning vs us some weeks ago! But NOBODY else!

So calm down guy's, stop flaming . Nobody cares of our team, about your all nonsense flames.
Open your Mind , you dont destroy us, you damage our tournament and also our community manager!
And if you dont stop this nonsense, like play naked vs us, or flaming vs us while our CM stream the game .
I think that our Server will go lower then now. If you want this, flame like today!

P.s . You blame us that player who are not here give there accounts to another person, that we can play with a full team!
But ya try to forbidden this, show me the Link Rule who say that someone is not allowed to give his account to another person!

Cause remember, Vondal is not playing at the moment, thats why we need a tank instead of him.
Also our Ink must work at the moment often and cant play really often -> we take new ink
Other guys just come in if someone is missing from our Team!

So watch to your self, if you are a nice person and have skill, and play 1 of this classes, write to us!
But in fact, there are 3-4 INk's but some of them dont talk well in ts or play well in real teamfights, they just publicfighter.
and other guys are just worse, like explo and now rafalko, cause we dont want nonsense flamer in our clan!

And tank's i dont know, Asmoy, enjoythesilence and who else?
Nobody from our europe Tank's play maintank, and have full stuff/upgrades.
I think there maybe 5 other tanks in Europe who has nearly the same stuff like asmoy/enjoythesilence and also vondal.
Realiz that we have such a LOW Playerbase in Europe -> OPEN your mind and think about where is the real PROBLEM!

Author:  HappyBunny [ Fri Oct 30, 2015 8:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Flames on tournament !

yeah your right but u have to know the players who´s flaming like kids these players are rly noobs and thats no wonder why they flame xD but i mean thats in every game the same all time the top teams will get flamed.. nothing to say to these players there are playing panzar like couple of years and cant get a team or nonskilled.. shame on you. :ugeek:

Author:  Rafalko656 [ Fri Oct 30, 2015 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Flames on tournament !

Im bad player bcs I said truth about Exclusive^^ Do you know where is a problem? You think you do everything perfect and you never are wrong. For you Exclusive always is right you dont see what you do wrong. We play naked and we destory tournaments? First time when we played naked vs you, was then when you should be disq bcs you had 5 players in team, but you werent. Remeber why? You said that system was wrong... When WW want to disq you before tournament you start flame him and told that you dont know nothing about disq. Everyone know you shouldnt play of course not you. I wont say nothing about your lose points in Gold( your excuse was that you dont know rules and you start flame again). Now you know rules very well and you started call players from RU Gold League to your team bcs you cant win tournaments normaly. There is no rule which say that you cant ,yes but you think is it fair? I wont talk with you about it anymore bcs you know everything very well whole Exclusive do everything perfect. Have fun ! cya.

Author:  Auni [ Fri Oct 30, 2015 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Flames on tournament !

Rafalko, since 2-3 Years YOU DONT even won 1 Tournament Round against exclusive or me in a other clan!
SO i cant understand why you care about our player or our Team?

And ya you have right, second Goldleague season or first we got punish for a nonsense rule, you all Promote this IDEA.
most of you write, ya its not sooo fair, but Rules are rules!
you say we was flaming? You dont know the full story, cause we (exclusive) accept the punish and stop the flaming against disorder!
After really low sentence from our maintroll explosion!

If you register your Team for a Tournament, you must play ALL games.
Its just a NOGO to play naked and start Chatting while we have the Final game from our Tournament.
WW want to stream the Games, and also commentate this, how he can do this if your team do such a BULLSHIT?
And remember, for your team it makes no difference if we have 2-3 russian mates in our team or not.
Cause you doesnt win any Game vs us in last 2 years.
But im pretty sure you or your Teamleader send yesterday the email to Panzar studio to get crystall's, but first you ruin the final Game with our kiddy style, and this the second time!

So why you care about our Team?
We was thinking about you in our team for some weeks, cause i think you play not bad.. But now you show me your real personality in tournament.
So we dont need you anymore. Better take guys who are nice to us, and also funny in teamspeak, instead of a flaming kiddy . Sorry but thats true ;)

Author:  Lth [ Fri Oct 30, 2015 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Flames on tournament !

you guys are mindfuks!

friendly advice would be to focus your mind on something more productive

if you are not able to do it at first, start with some Zen meditation, until you are able to do it. or get some therapy

dont use antidepressants, they don't help in the long run unfortunately

Author:  Karenira [ Fri Oct 30, 2015 3:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Flames on tournament !

Auni wrote:
And FInalteam (united legion) play Naked and just chat in full game with us, and blame us , but dont play in the FINAL game from our tournament.

Not United Legions - some players from United Legions. But still - you lost first point against this team. How weak is that? ;)

All what Exclusive doing isn't against the rules, neither what United do. If you can bend the rules, why United can't?

So stop crying like a little girl and look at yourself.

Author:  Auni [ Fri Oct 30, 2015 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Flames on tournament !

1.) You are Moderator, you should try to be objectiv ;)
2.) I dont cry, i dont flame, if you read my Post correctly ! Watch stream and you will see who is flaming
3.) Do what you want, play naked, stop playing i dont care, it was just a example that you flame us for some reason, but in same moment you are not better.
Cause you(some guys from your team) start flaming 30 min ingame while our cm try to commentate our game. Also the stream is not funny for ANYONE if your team do this.
You are moderator , you should try to IMPROVE full panzar community .

Stop quote 1 Sentence from my first topic, and then you comment this.
Cause now it looks like i "flame" your team cause of this, but this is not true, if you read my FULL topic correktly , then you know what i mean!
But most Forumuser dont read full text, and then they saw your quote and start to answer on this!
If you want to quote this sentence, you must quote like this.

We got flamed alot of time's in globalchat(exclusive) full tournament day is just full of flames.
And FInalteam (united legion) play Naked and just chat in full game with us, and blame us , but dont play in the FINAL game from our tournament.
Second time that United legion do this. Now they told us reason is cause russian player.
Last time they write, cause they play against us in first rounds, and ya they just give up before the game start.

So where the hell i cry in your opinion?
I just write this , cause of streamsituation and also chat situation!
Again i dont care about your flames , and also i dont care if you like me or not! I just mean that you damage not us with this flaming and so on.
Also this Flaming in game, doesn't help you.

Or you all think , if you cry much (10-30 guys) they will bann us ? or change the rule cause of us?
We have such a low playerbase, and biggest playerbase is in Russian.
Everyone on Europe has dates from other Accounts, also on RUssianserver they trade Account's.
If they forbidden this now, and punish all this guys with permabann, Our playerbase doesnt exist anymore!

Second Point, alot of guy's pay alot of realmoney in his Account, and do you all think Panzar Studio can close now alot of Accounts??
Only cause the Login IP is in a other COUNTRY?
Brain on guy's

Author:  Karenira [ Fri Oct 30, 2015 5:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Flames on tournament !

Auni wrote:
You are moderator , you should try to IMPROVE full panzar community.

I tried for first year in Panzar but without any support from Studio I resigned. I believe you know what I mean ;)

You should understand people from UL who complaining - I don't want to explain their behavior, but if you are ok with winning using help from player from another server, you should be ok with winning against naked team. We are very small community, everyone know each other, so sometimes emotions prevail - especially when people who you know plays as bots on hacks what not happens on public matches.

Calm down and try put yourself in our shoes.

Author:  Auni [ Fri Oct 30, 2015 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Flames on tournament !

i dont need to calm down, i think you dont understand my opinion why i write this topic.
Again in short sentence.

Flame in tournament against us dont damage us, you damage our stream and CM.
If you play naked , and just blame in game, i watch television while the game runs, for me is no problem.
But do you think this is the right way to improve our Community, i dont think so.
And for newer player who watch the stream, to learn some playing or just want to watch how team's play together are pony cause of this .
Maybe they will stop playing after this, cause if i saw a Finalgame like this, and have no clue about the game.

I dont download the game.

especially when people who you know plays as bots on hacks what not happens on public matche

I dont understand? you want to say that we play with hacks?

Author:  ExPloSiion [ Fri Oct 30, 2015 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Flames on tournament !

Rafalko656 wrote:
Im bad player bcs I said truth about Exclusive^^ Do you know where is a problem? You think you do everything perfect and you never are wrong. For you Exclusive always is right you dont see what you do wrong. We play naked and we destory tournaments? First time when we played naked vs you, was then when you should be disq bcs you had 5 players in team, but you werent. Remeber why? You said that system was wrong... When WW want to disq you before tournament you start flame him and told that you dont know nothing about disq. Everyone know you shouldnt play of course not you. I wont say nothing about your lose points in Gold( your excuse was that you dont know rules and you start flame again). Now you know rules very well and you started call players from RU Gold League to your team bcs you cant win tournaments normaly. There is no rule which say that you cant ,yes but you think is it fair? I wont talk with you about it anymore bcs you know everything very well whole Exclusive do everything perfect. Have fun ! cya.

+ 10 000. Exclusive dont like we said true story

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