Keys and chests
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Author:  Algatzar [ Sat Jul 02, 2016 10:58 am ]
Post subject:  Keys and chests

Where i can get keys?? :D I have like 40 chest to every char in inventory and 0 keys :lol:

I get rarely 1 small key and from small chest i get like 500 gold :twisted:

IM NOT GOING TO BUY KEYS, if someone tell that is only opinion. :oops:

Author:  ExPloSiion [ Sat Jul 02, 2016 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Keys and chests

Welcome to panzar :twisted:

Author:  Icelicia [ Sun Jul 03, 2016 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Keys and chests

Its like cs go. keys cost some money.
you can earn epic keys from normal chests but its rare : )

Author:  Rin the Hateful [ Sun Jul 03, 2016 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Keys and chests

Ok, someone correct me if I'm wrong ^^ I'm playing on vip and have all bonuses, but I guess the drop rates shouldn't be affected by that.

But it feels like the Marching Chests are actually the rarest xD If I summed every type of Epic Chests I get, then those would be the most common. Big Chests are somewhere in the middle.

Also, keys to Marching Chests do drop from time to time, although it seems completely random. There are streaks of not getting any, and there are times when I drop four from a single battle.

I found keys to Big Chests two times. Got banners from both. And ALSO, which is VERY IMPORTANT, I once dropped a small key and a big key from the Divine Wheel (Dead Man's Chest), but THEY DIDN'T SHOW UP IN MY INVENTORY. Way to go Panzar, I guess we are simply not allowed to acquire keys that way.

And I bet the chances to get better keys as a chest drop are like getting the VIP from Divine Wheel in one go - Google says it's about 0.24032592773%, but who knows how it really should be calculated.

Anyone could confirm?

Author:  Algatzar [ Wed Jul 06, 2016 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Keys and chests

I have get 7 small keys, 2 big chest keys and 0 epic key.

I have get 21 small chests, 23 big chests and like million epic chests :lol:

I get with small keys gold and potions (i have infinity potions so like gold all the time), with big chests banners :oops:

I think the epic keys are needed to take with crystals. Im not going to do that so lets see, -MoonRime- will stay with legendary epic set till the end. :roll:

It will be more rare than all those costumes in future ;)

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