Panzar EU get`s Closed ???
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Author:  Gandalf DerGeile [ Sat Aug 27, 2016 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Panzar EU get`s Closed ???


Wasn´t here in Forum 4 a while but what i heard know scares a little bit.

Some RU (Gold League) Player and EU Player told me that Server EU getting closed !!!

I also heard that Panzar EU relounge is planned !!!

When this is true, mostly when i hear something from this people it is true, what happens with the accounts.
Get they transferd to RU (for me OK) or deleted.

Panzar relounge what does this mean. Have to do everything again???

It woud be interresting if WW coud ask Panzar Studio if there is a spark of trueness or not.

Thank you


Author:  Rin the Hateful [ Sat Aug 27, 2016 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Panzar EU get`s Closed ???

Also, what exactly would happen with Steam accounts, I wasn't even given option to choose my region

Author:  Physician [ Sat Aug 27, 2016 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Panzar EU get`s Closed ???

If that's true, even if they just transfer our accounts to russian playerbase, it's pretty bad for us.

Sure we get possibility to play groups with new players, but judging by how much english is a mystery for them,
and how huge their playerbase is, you can imagine the mess we are about to confront.

For english speaking people, European Community is all that matters.

Author:  Mr.Unsichtbar [ Sat Aug 27, 2016 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Panzar EU get`s Closed ???

I dont think that they will delete all accounts, because we spent money into this game. Probably they will close server but accounts will be still stay alive or they transfer it to RU server.

Author:  White Wolf [ Sun Aug 28, 2016 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Panzar EU get`s Closed ???


Is seems that player get faster information then I do?

As far as I know they are not closing the EU server.
As far as I know a Spanish publisher has been Hired to promote the game in EU.

For the relaunch I do not have enough info in the post to know if you are talking about what the publisher will or the new stuff panzar is working on.

For the publish I'm trying to get an answer from them but hey have not answer in the past 4 months
For the new stuff, yes something is coming but is should not effect your account.

Author:  KillReaL [ Mon Aug 29, 2016 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Panzar EU get`s Closed ???

Guys, please do not worry:)

THere're no plans of closing EU server. We're currently working on intecration with some EU game publishers, so let's see how it works.

I don't know where you've heard this info:)

Author:  Gandalf DerGeile [ Mon Aug 29, 2016 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Panzar EU get`s Closed ???

KillReaL wrote:
Guys, please do not worry:)

THere're no plans of closing EU server. We're currently working on intecration with some EU game publishers, so let's see how it works.

I don't know where you've heard this info:)

At one Hand im happy to hear that but at the other hand it woud be nice to transefer EU Acc. into RU. Tournys EU are pretty boring.

If you really interessted you can PM me.

Thx 4 the fast info


Author:  Rin the Hateful [ Mon Aug 29, 2016 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Panzar EU get`s Closed ???

Unless it's like a doctor who says to a child that this needle won't hurt :lol:

Nah, kidding, nice to see a message from someone else from Panzar Studio ;)

Author:  Physician [ Thu Sep 01, 2016 5:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Panzar EU get`s Closed ???

Alright, good news. Otherwise that would be a discredit after Panzar became EU friendly.

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