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sugestions for gameplay 
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Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2013 12:47 pm
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Post sugestions for gameplay
Hello dev,

first, I'd like to say that you've made a nice, fluid and interactive game ^^ but there's still lot missing to make this game playable for all, and overall interesting...

1) choice of kind of battle: if there isn't yet a list of games going to start and who is subscribed for each (that would be the must XD), there should at least be a filter to choose the kind of game we want to join. this could help some classes to have some fun, whereas some maps really aren't adequate for them (at the beginning)

2) see lvl of teammates and opponents; in fact, too many times small lvls are confronted to hl, specially after lvl 10, and it can be discouraging to get OS by sister of fire when she hits with her rod... seeing lvl can help understand differences of combat strengh ^^

3) give points for infrastructure building, bringing canon balls to canon, inqui staying back to defend sisters an/or artilery (the same way tanks get points for stoping arti bullets and fire sis shot with magic shield), opening/closing fortress doors, etc...

4) give points for cast interruption and mana pumping

5) close backstab angle: in fact i've already been OS along with another sister on one inqui backstab while we where both running so the inqui's angle was about 180° and he still hit both of us... (very sad)

6) give sapers a pilone to detect inquis that are hiding nearby would help teamplay and make distant attackers unite

7) teammates being able to report a player that isn't doing his job, or that just go solitary to win points... having possibility of giving +1 or -1 to team play for teammates would be very interesting (but it will only work if point 1) is realized, in which case players can choose to come or not into a starting game regarding players teamplay points ^^)

the real issue of this """""free to play""""" is that there is very uneven strength (after lvl10) between paying players and free playing players, more the less, non paying players have no possibility of crafting stuff, since they don't pay them and since they can't make points againts paying players after lvl 10... there's got to be a way for free players to stuff without playing (even if it's harder and slower) so that combat strengh may be equilibrate at the end...

that's all for now, i precise that i'm a new player (1week) and a free player, and that I won't change... i just hope for you that there are enough (dumb) paying players to keep game running, since it's really discouraging... adding to it, it seems that teams are always made with paying players on one side and free players on the other; so as to not make paying players mad for loosing with free players? :p
to meditate

Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:14 pm
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