Experiance Bonus Time...
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Author:  Gambo [ Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Experiance Bonus Time...

the time for experiance bonus sux for some ppl.. everyone in europe need to stay up late at night to get the 30% extra Experiance!
is there any way to make this time be on different times a day??? or half the time on the day and half on the night?
and yes im from europe and im working so i cant be up at 1 am when it starts lol

Author:  Tyclavriak [ Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Experiance Bonus Time...

Loll you seem not understand why they put the 30% on the europe night, you 're on the europe version of the game, so to have more ppl playing the niht they put the 3% bonus during the night, cause like this ,they asssure to have ppl playing in the night. I doubt you will have a positive answer. The dev dont want you to have experience bonus, they want you to play in the night, everytime.

If they put the 30% during the day, it will be full player the day, but the night the server will be empty, except for those hardcore gamer with no life.

In F2P game, the dev dosnt do anything for your ''confort'' . Everything what they do is for one reason: have more ppl who play and PAY. Every f2P follow this rule, always have more ppl, even during the night.

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