Just a formal bug report. No discussion intended or needed from my side.
I spawned with some teammates. One used the sapper's teleporter before me. Me and one other guy were standing around it, waiting for it to be usable again. Normally one after the other can use it without any problem.
The next moment we both got teleported at the very same time and I was instantly dead while my teammate ran away.
No, there was no enemy, neither at the teleporter entrance nor at the teleporter exit. I just spawned dead at the exit.
I guess it's because there were 2 player models at the exact same time at the exact same place (x-,y-,z-coordinates) so the game had to get rid of one but I'll leave that technical mumbo-jumbo to the devs
I unfortunately have no screenshot but it wouldn't anyway show something important but only me lying dead in the teleporter exit.
This was the first time this happened to me in quite some games, hours spend and teleporters used, so I would say it's not critical, but it's there.