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Paladin lack of CP feedback & suggestion 
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Joined: Thu Feb 06, 2014 3:45 am
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Post Paladin lack of CP feedback & suggestion
One thing i've noticed as a paladin (level 13) after playing for a while is the serious lack of CP. I sometimes struggle to simply keep up all 3 incense and while I'm definitely not the worlds best paladin i've yet to go up against anyone with higher healing output. I understand that a paladin shouldn't be able to res everyone on the team at a consistent rate and that's not even what I want but the way things are looking right now I don't see including resurrection as a viable option, and certainly not levels 1 and 2 of it. I don't think I've ever had 70 or even 50 spare CP respectively. Nor for that matter do I think it viable to include ring of immortality.

Here's how it breaks down, 5cp for healing powder, 15cp for mana powder, and 15cp for incense of quickening.. That's 35 CP every 30 seconds and we only get 2 for healing with the weak ass heal.

The way I see it there are a couple ways to alleviate the stress on CP.

1. Decrease cost of mana and quickening incense scaling with level as with the healing incense that would push it down to 25 every 30 seconds which is a little more manageable but I still don't see me having much to spare very often.

2. Give us CP even when healing full health teammates, this is the number 1 cause of me failing to maintain all 3 incense. (even if it is only 1cp when they are full health)

3. Give us CP when using restoration, even if it is just 1 CP this would help a lot because 9 times out of 10 I am solo healing and the regular healing spell just doesn't cut it when I have to heal 9 people.

4. Scale the CP gained per cast of healing with the level you have invested in.

Let me know what you all think

Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:38 am
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Post Re: Paladin lack of CP feedback & suggestion
beeing a pala lvl 20 full gear i can tell you that the cp aren't a problem at all.

1 heal = 2 cp for 1 char but in a pack damaged >> 4 people left click heal = 8 cp, again 8 cp ect ...

u can manage to got lot of cp quickly.

and like all class u don't need to keep 3 powder h24, farm some cp don't use powder then boost again.

priority to the powder needed depend of your team chars ect ...

member of God of War

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Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:13 am

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Post Re: Paladin lack of CP feedback & suggestion
Like 5% of all Pala's know how to collect CP!
I love it, if a group is frozen, and im Fullhp. But my PalaMate Heals for nothing .
Is there a Totem, he can hit Like 3-4 Rightclick. (20cp)

My charakters are
Eisbaer - Frostwitch
MaxderTank - Tank
AuniderIngi - Gunner
Aunderheiler - Healer
Auni - Inquisitor
Groruk - Berserk
Aunionfire - SoF
Aunii - Sapper

Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:53 pm

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Post Re: Paladin lack of CP feedback & suggestion
cokeliko wrote:
beeing a pala lvl 20 full gear i can tell you that the cp aren't a problem at all.

1 heal = 2 cp for 1 char but in a pack damaged >> 4 people left click heal = 8 cp, again 8 cp ect ...

u can manage to got lot of cp quickly.

and like all class u don't need to keep 3 powder h24, farm some cp don't use powder then boost again.

priority to the powder needed depend of your team chars ect ...

Yeah I see your point and you're right, maybe I was thinking incorrectly on how this class was supposed to be played. I thought it was just expected to have all 3 up simultaneously at all times.

Most often I have to use right click to heal in bigger battles because left click just doesn't cut it (maybe, as you pointed out this is due to the difference in my gear at lvl 13 vs a fully geared 20) therefore it is difficult for me to keep a full team alive while maintaining my cp. I will have to report back once I hit 20.

One more piece of feedback: Support points for healing being dependent on my teammates scoring kills while I heal them is just b.s... I should get points based on how much I have healed my ENTIRE team not just the damage dealers and more importantly this would reflect my own personal performance rather than someone else's.

Thu Feb 06, 2014 3:04 pm
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Joined: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:29 pm
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Post Re: Paladin lack of CP feedback & suggestion
don't worry about your score, later some heal get top 3 all the time in game

something else, if u see your pack of team poisoned, don't dispell right now ( expect if everyone is red ^^ ) , get left click on the pack u'll gain mass cp, then dispell at the end if needed, else just heal and gain cp until the debuff finish.

u can get 3 powder if everything is fine, or important teamfight else better choose priority.

for exemple with my tank i don't get enought cp to make shield bash, batterring ram, invulnerability ect... whenever i want, u need to make some choice. else tank too get enough cp in game ^^

member of God of War

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heal lanonyme 20
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Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:20 pm

Joined: Thu Feb 06, 2014 3:45 am
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Post Re: Paladin lack of CP feedback & suggestion
I see, thank you for the insight I appreciate it.

Fri Feb 07, 2014 2:29 am
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