golf/soccer game mode types available as events
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Author:  Delat [ Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:49 pm ]
Post subject:  golf/soccer game mode types available as events

I've got an idea for a new game mode, available only during events.
Just because the only events are being maintained for clans, and how things look everybody knows.
What I'd like to take apart is a type of match where two teams would need to score a goal using owned weapons while smashing some kind of a ball.

Other type of game could remind a steeplechase, but on a mount. With traps, burning bridges, tnt barrels and so on...
Of course ability to place a bet (with gold?) before race start would be a must have.

It's just that PvP'ing might become boring, while PvE is just a waste of time in such game :|
Something way different, and available for non-clanned players, no matter what their level is, would be just awesome.

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