Lifetime game
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Author:  Hayz3 [ Wed Nov 26, 2014 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Lifetime game

You do realise that this game is not going to last for a whole eternity right?
Do you care to explain why do we have to spend 10 years to get the basics?

Gathering resources could take days to just get a basic item and when you gathered them, you get a failure with 70% CHANCES!!!
OMG relax guys, we are going to play this for 2-3 years maybe (in best case), not lifetime.

The gameplay is good and drawing attention of many, but the way you get items and levels, seriously, makes you wanna leave it as fast as you joined. Jesus...

Give up that stupid strategy bloating people's balls until they start paying.
I can just find another game to get my peace, not pay for it...

Author:  Hayz3 [ Wed Nov 26, 2014 8:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lifetime game

The first levels of the game aren't exciting if you feel that way.
You don't have damage (or defense if tank), you're very slow and you can barely kill NPCs.
Definitely not going to last a month to get basics, you die out of boredom first (except hardcore and rich players).

Author:  Bob Mastah [ Wed Nov 26, 2014 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lifetime game

Yep, We are Hardcore's

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