well iv been looking at the game and the more i do the more i think there is a real way to fix the balance and give the game more clans and more hope to get these players out of this stale envirorment..and also put a stop to this monapoly of clans hording players
first there is only max of 100 players at all on eu server at one time right so why does a clan need a max of 500 players?
thay dont .. break it down to 50 or max 75 players in a clan at one time , ok so thay will make another clan and just move there players over there right .. but what will happen is thay will have to give control over the new clan then the players in that clan are going to want to play thats what will happen this is a great resalotion to this armda and exclusive player hording it will end it and no matter what these clans will be forced to do it .. and this will be the end of these to clans keeping all the players out of the game
no more 500 players in eu clans there aint ever that many players on at a time ..