sale and trade off ballance
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Author:  inbread [ Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  sale and trade off ballance

It cost 175 crystals for 1 big rune. and if you go to sell it its only worth 14 gold how is that fair in tradeing?
and even gears that cost 600 crystals for a set but if you sell 1 piece is worth 1 or 2 gold how is any of the tradeing fair? it not.
so i ask panzar to straighten this out because you can trade 1 crystal for 800 gold but a rune at 175 crystals is only 14 gold hope you see the big picture..
you guys want to start fixing something start there by being fair.. 8-)

Author:  Headquarters [ Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: sale and trade off ballance


Anyways, I agree with you. The trading is really terrible

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