The unbalanced matchmaking algorithm of Panzar is nothing new to us, specially to semi-new players; and therefore I'm not here to state the obvious.
There is just this rumor around (by rumor i mean it is not officially written AFAIK) that the maximum difference between the lowest and highest effectiveness of the players in a match is 900.
The only reason I'm spending the time to write this is to prove it wrong:

As you can see, the lowest BV in red team is 2801, while the highest BV, ofcourse, belongs to blue team and it is 3825.
Some complicated mathematical operation: 3825-2801=1024 (beautiful number btw; if you are into programming and computer language)
The average BV of red team: 3087.6
The average BV of blue team: 3351.3
Note to Panzar dev team: As a sister of fire with ~2850 effectiveness, there is no joy in playing against inQs with ~3800 (yes it happens often) in the enemy side. I rather wait for a balanced game for tens of minutes, than going into a very unbalanced match without even making it to the point throughout the whole game.
PS: For those wondering who won the match, of course blue team did. Superior tank, superior zerk, superior paladin (double check their BVs).