Is there any explanation for the Elven "armor"?
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Author:  Astrobomb [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Is there any explanation for the Elven "armor"?

I like to think that Elven magic completely binds itself to the body, and sort of radiates out. To let the magic flow out freely they need to expose a bit of skin, otherwise they'll overload or something.

Is there any official explanation?

Author:  Xylar [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any explanation for the Elven "armor"?

Panzar devs think they have chance to make the game increase by being revealed in China. And there in China it's something connected with law - that made devs change the mages' armors - it covers bodies more now; also there are no skulls in the game anymore (some skills had skulls in their appearance).

Author:  Astrobomb [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any explanation for the Elven "armor"?

No more skulls? i thought there was a Berserker helmet that was literally an animal skull?

Author:  Xylar [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any explanation for the Elven "armor"?

Not really what i meant. Some healer's skills included images of skulls, same about the firemage's balls (not the basic attack, the skill that costs 35-45 cp afair, shooting 3-6 balls out of the 'wand'). It's not important tho, just mentioned it as an example.

Author:  Astrobomb [ Sat Jul 16, 2016 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any explanation for the Elven "armor"?

Will they be making any other changes for the Chinese market

Author:  Xylar [ Sat Jul 16, 2016 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any explanation for the Elven "armor"?

All changes for that has been done I think. So just no skulls and no nakedness.

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