Social Hubs
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Author:  Astrobomb [ Tue Jul 19, 2016 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Social Hubs

We've experienced the world of Panzar only through battlegrounds and treacherous locations, and in a post-apocalyptic world of carnage, that pretty much sums up a good portion of it.

But what about the last vestiges of civilization? From a lagoon tavern to a shady backwater in Kromholm. From Paladin halls to Elven monasteries, to Orcish villages. I want a chance to see my character without their weapon. The opportunity to meet up with people in a cooler way.

This will offer the benefits of:

- Fleshing out the world.

- Fleshing out the lore.

- Adding some entertaining characters.

- Introducing vendors.

- Introducing NPC challenges/quests.

- Making Player-to-Player socialization way more fun.

- Freshening things up with something less repetitive than the same old battlefield.

- Letting people RP (eating, drinking, talking, dancing, dueling).

I'd love to see such an addition to this awesome game. What about you lot?

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