Personal feedback
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Author:  KaYaK [ Thu May 02, 2013 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Personal feedback

For now, this is what i would do.

1. More than 3 party members, please.
2. Would be awesome to use the client while in qeue.
3. Balance the p2w thing.
4. Some hints about forge and that stuff.
5. Would be awesome a /taunt or /laugh.
6. In a future, maybe a ban or report system...

Author:  CKB [ Fri May 03, 2013 7:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Personal feedback

KaYaK wrote:
For now, this is what i would do.

1. More than 3 party members, please.
2. Would be awesome to use the client while in qeue.
3. Balance the p2w thing.
4. Some hints about forge and that stuff.
5. Would be awesome a /taunt or /laugh.
6. In a future, maybe a ban or report system...

I agree with all of these.

In regards to #5, you can purchase a taunt that goes on your ability bar.

You press it and you character does the "dance" of your choice.

Author:  RagnarDW [ Fri May 03, 2013 12:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Personal feedback

I agree with this. And i will add any things i think would be nice to change:
Also,more info about game search while in platoon would be nice,now,only commander knows about the search status.
Any minor bugs about inquisitor stopping when using invinsibility.
Could be nice to set a "double reward system" for the 1st victory of the day like in WoT,it really makes people to play every day! xD
Adding a friend and all his characters to friend list in one step (not every character separately).

Author:  Aaronman11 [ Sat May 04, 2013 3:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Personal feedback

I also agree:) With everything.

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