Siren Scream and Cruel Split question
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Author:  Rin the Hateful [ Sun Jul 10, 2016 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Siren Scream and Cruel Split question

So, for those who have a different language version - those are the Ice Witch's skills that deal damage to frozen oponents. First is when she screams around like crazy, and second is that with turning holyshitmy20khpisgone animation.

Few things changed a bit. I'm not really into experiments, plus the occasion to do so is scarce, but here's my question:

How do these work against dwarves now? I think they used to do damage to Gunner's cannon and Sapper's mortar too, as long as little guys were inside of them. But how is it at this moment? Is destroying them still in my reach as an Ice Witch?

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