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Problem z rozgrywaniem więcej niż jednej bitwy 
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Joined: Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:38 pm
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Post Problem z rozgrywaniem więcej niż jednej bitwy
Drodzy gracze ze świata Panzar. Nie widziałem na forum dotychczas problemu takiego jak mój w związku z czym wnioskuję, że jest nietypowy i pozwalam sobie otworzyć taki temat.

Otóż teraz już dokładnie co bitwę, przy kolejnej próbie wejścia do bitwy (czy to szuka wolnej bitwy, czy ją ładuję) wyrzuca mnie z gry. Żadnych komunikatów o błędzie, żadnych ostrzeżeń. Po jednej rozegranej bitwie nie ma szans, żeby można było rozegrać kolejną... za każdym razem wyrzuca..
Dokonałem reinstalki, nic nie pomogło.

Proszę może ktoś z was coś pomoże.

Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:52 pm
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Post Re: Problem z rozgrywaniem więcej niż jednej bitwy
Myślę że to normalny problem z wywalaniem się gry - spróbuj zmniejszyć obciążenia graficzne gry, to powinno pomóc.

Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:54 pm

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Post Re: Problem z rozgrywaniem więcej niż jednej bitwy

I hope it is fine if I answer in English. If not put it in your post one of my fellow moderators will translate or I will try myself.

The game crashing is a known problem and the Panzar Dev.’s are working on it, but they are not getting much info from the user, to be able to fix the problem.

From what I hear from the community manager it is something that happens on the pc that initiates the crash and the game can't handle the action the pc takes.

Because nobody sees an error or anything in the event log most players don't know how to help the dev.’s fix this.

IF or WHEN the game crashes again and you want to help getting this fix do the following.

1) If the game crashes DO NOT restart the game.
2) Open your email and send to
3) Subject: Game Crash dmp file and log files
4) Go to the game folder if you didn't change the location "C:\Games\Panzar\!dmp"
5) In that location there should be a dmp file. Add it to your mail
6) Go to the game folder if you didn’t change the location "C:\Games\Panzar\LogBackups"
7) Add all the log files to you mail and send it out
8) You can restart playing.

Tips to reduces the crashes and in some cases stop them, some of the you already have done and some you probably don't want to do, you will have everything that I know.

1) Update your graphics card
2) add start.exe and pnzcl.exe to you firewall exception
3) add start.exe and pnzcl.exe to you anti-virus exception
4) Move the game to its original folder "C:\Games\Panzar" (if you need to do this move it and reinstall it over the moved folder this why it will not re-download the game completely)
4) Turn off all auto updates from all programs like windows, adobe, java...
5) Turn off the recovery option of the services "windows updates" and "windows search"
6) Turn off programs you don't need. (I'm running Panzar, Open broadcast (streaming), Skype, Media Player and Google chrome when I play nothing else)
7) Create a new user so you have a new profile and play Panzar with that user.
8) Probably the one you don't want to do format you HD and start over. (Even this is now guarantee it will fix the problem, I know of 1 person it didn't help and I know of 1 person that the crashes are gone)

With kind regards,

White Wolfs
White Wolfs P - White Wolfs B - White Wolfs T - White Wolfs G - White Wolfs S - White Wolfs FW - White Wolfs SF

Thu Jan 23, 2014 8:48 am
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