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How about more modes for Panzar? 
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Joined: Sat May 11, 2013 11:56 pm
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Post How about more modes for Panzar?
I want modes like Boss Battle mode, Free for all, Survival mode, War mode.

Survival mode is a mode that few players survives together by killing waves of monsters.

War mode is a mode that there are lots of troops in both and few hero players.

Do u guys think it is great? :D

Sun May 12, 2013 12:05 am

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Post Re: How about more modes for Panzar?
Capture the Flag, for starters. Also, an alternate mode in which a boss monster is present that when killed gives a team buff. (This would be able to turn the tide in King of the Hill.)

Sun May 12, 2013 4:56 am

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Post Re: How about more modes for Panzar?
I like the idea of CTF, but I think implementing NPC monsters would be a lot of work and would make it into a whole new genre of games.

Sun May 12, 2013 4:43 pm
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Post Re: How about more modes for Panzar?
Devs have tried CTF on early stages of development, but didn't liked it.
And they are working on some PvE content right now.



Sun May 12, 2013 5:12 pm
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Post Re: How about more modes for Panzar?
I'd be satisfied with players just being given the option to "choose" between which type of mode we wanted to queue up for (conquest, arena, etc...).
No need for them to separate every single game "type" into it's own little queue. Just allowing us to at least choose general "mode" of play would be awesome.

For example, those conquest matches can really drag on for a long time. Some of us, with busy lives, would be saved a lot of..... inconvenience.. if we could just queue up for the quick arena battles instead. For example.

Hopefully, the current state of the queue is only temporary due to low player population.

Sun May 12, 2013 6:24 pm
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Post Re: How about more modes for Panzar?
GeneralTechnique wrote:
I'd be satisfied with players just being given the option to "choose" between which type of mode we wanted to queue up for (conquest, arena, etc...).
No need for them to separate every single game "type" into it's own little queue. Just allowing us to at least choose general "mode" of play would be awesome.

For example, those conquest matches can really drag on for a long time. Some of us, with busy lives, would be saved a lot of..... inconvenience.. if we could just queue up for the quick arena battles instead. For example.

Hopefully, the current state of the queue is only temporary due to low player population.

That'd be a horrible idea to implement currently. Especially when queue times are so long already, that would double them.

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Sun May 12, 2013 6:40 pm
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Post Re: How about more modes for Panzar?
Synsane wrote:
GeneralTechnique wrote:
I'd be satisfied with players just being given the option to "choose" between which type of mode we wanted to queue up for (conquest, arena, etc...).
No need for them to separate every single game "type" into it's own little queue. Just allowing us to at least choose general "mode" of play would be awesome.

For example, those conquest matches can really drag on for a long time. Some of us, with busy lives, would be saved a lot of..... inconvenience.. if we could just queue up for the quick arena battles instead. For example.

Hopefully, the current state of the queue is only temporary due to low player population.

That'd be a horrible idea to implement currently. Especially when queue times are so long already, that would double them.

Yeah, considering that with the current variety it would split it up into two queues to start, it would definitely double the queue times.

As I've already said, I hope that the current state of the queue is only temporary due to the low player population.
I just can't imagine myself becoming very attached to Panzar if it means having to quit out or sit through undesirable gamemodes so often, permanently. Game just seems to lose all of it's stickiness when it becomes that inconvenient (color me nit-picky, if you'd like).

On an "unrelated" note, perhaps Panzar would see a significantly higher % of player rentention if it did some things that provided a bit more..... "convenience" for the players. Perhaps. :)

Sun May 12, 2013 7:09 pm
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Post Re: How about more modes for Panzar?
Well, I dont think that's a priority now, the game is totally new in Europa, they've to fix lot of things before thinking about new modes. By the way, they have to do it :)

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Mon May 13, 2013 12:55 am

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Post Re: How about more modes for Panzar?
I would like to see a Hero mode or something similar. Each team has an NPC thats super over powered and they have to beat it in order to win...

another thing i'd like to see is a modification of KotH... 3 hills ... make the map a horseshoe shape. This allows for some sort of progression as you go. I love attack defend but a lot of times I wished that the defenders were able to take points back.

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Mon May 13, 2013 1:23 am
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Post Re: How about more modes for Panzar?
would be intresting but im happy with the current modes for now, CTF would be a nice change but im not really looking forward to pve content

Mon May 13, 2013 3:46 am
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