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Patch number 40 
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Post Re: Patch number 40
No i didnt find any other changes about skills.

You are just too close the screen if you see this


Wed Dec 09, 2015 11:29 am
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Combat School/ Training area








You are just too close the screen if you see this


Wed Dec 09, 2015 11:33 am
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The Little Engine That Could/ map









You are just too close the screen if you see this


Wed Dec 09, 2015 11:39 am
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City Of Idols / PVE









You are just too close the screen if you see this


Wed Dec 09, 2015 11:49 am
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Post Re: Patch number 40
How do we get costumes? :D

Panzar... Panzar Boy.. Panzar! Hahaha!
    Bum Tararara! Za oknami noc!
    Czego chcesz dziewczyno, ja wiem - Panzara!
    Bum Badiradira! Chodź kochanie, chodź!
    Nie bój, nie bój się Panzara, oo!

Wed Dec 09, 2015 3:28 pm

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Post Re: Patch number 40
thank you very much for this , very nice
Everyone gets a treat except the tank :) , why is the tank always the black duck :) , anyway thank you very much for this , best of luck to you .

Wed Dec 09, 2015 4:48 pm
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Black duck xD

You are just too close the screen if you see this


Wed Dec 09, 2015 8:38 pm

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Post Re: Patch number 40
EDIT : Never mind, I mistook this for an official thread, not a player translation. Thanks for your work.

Last edited by GoodOldDays on Wed Dec 09, 2015 9:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Dec 09, 2015 9:18 pm
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Post Re: Patch number 40
Algatzar wrote:
sorry, really fast translate.

I just get so many guestions about this in game so more easy like this

Good Job Thank you

Wed Dec 09, 2015 9:21 pm

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Post Re: Patch number 40
i Really hope that we can group up in near future with russian server Player.
The new Change with 8 PLayer in Group ist not bad.
Then they cant fix the matchmaking anyway with this less player and this amount of upgrades and so on.

Now they take a new way, that Group's with 5-8 Player can make a really nice Team and its fun to play!
The problem is, on our Server to less player, you Cant play this game now alone .
Before the Patch comming it was also frustrating to que alone, but ya sometime both teams have no good composition.
BUt now, most good Player search a Group with good class Setup and owning Public games!

So ya, it would be really nice if we EU Player can Group up with Russian player to play Publicgame together.
It should be not so hard to give us this . Cause we play anyway on the same Server, only the Chat/clan system are different, but still both systems are hosted in Russian moscow.
So it must be possible to merge also Lobby's together if some player want this!

Now i just play with 1/2 good tank's in group also 1 other frostmage, and ya ink + berserk and we can win nearly every Game.
If i try to que alone, i must start leaving i think, cause who want to spend his time, to play vs a premadegroup , while you have really cute player in your team?
Its Timewaste, and we are only possible to play in group on EU server for maybe 3-4 hours per day, cause other time, there are nobody online !

BUt ya, all other thing's on patch are really nice.
I must train just a little bit with the new interface on the left side, i think the classpoint's from your teammates are now little bit smaller then before.
after 30-50 Games it should be not a problem for me, so its okay ;)
Also that we see now the Ping from player are just NICE!!!!
I mean i got still Lagshots and so on, lag is not better, but now i can see after this aktion who kill me, how much stacks he has, and ping.
So its more transparent for me, and this is nice.

But 1 question.
I hear from all that they nerf Crushing blow.
Some Russian player told me this for some week's, but now i dont see any changes on Crushing blow.
Im still dead if i block it, i still must use Astral against this.
I mean the real Crushing blow, not the new useless skill what looks like a really fast crushing blow. (btw i think this skill is so useless, dont know why anyone play with this ^^)

I play yesterday some game's, and still the same problem with crushing blow and ping .
Example, its confussing but by Crazy dee (now new russian name but i think you all know who i mean) i have really Lagshots all the time if he got 3-5 Stack's.
For sure he has a really nice ping from 13-20 but still, some other berserk got the same Ping but only by Crazy dee i go into astral -> im in astral the animation is here and my Classpoints away.
Sound from astral comming before sound from hitting crushing blow, But STILL he hit with crushing blow my astral circle and i fly out of astral and im dead!!!
That happen all the time in tournament and also in Public!!

Really i dont understand this! Pls Check sometime his playing style, maybe he has a little bit speedhack on! some games. Or its really lagshot. But then i dont understand why i got this only by 2-3 berserk, not by all berserks with the same low Ping like Crazy dee .
I hear about alot Russian server guy's who got banned for some day's cause Speedhack.
(thats anyway a joke, they got 2 weeks bann or so, and come back in game, maybe with speedhack again or not nobody can know this)
I google alot and find for my self some sites who told me that speedhack is aviable in this game, and also not really detectable.
so i Think you should Check Crazy dee , and also some other guy's from Russian server again.

It's difficult for me to make a video from this, cause i need to record all Games, and this cost me really alot of Space!
I can stream, but i dont find a option in Twitch to record my broadcast to watch it later, so it makes no sense for this case.

But anyway i think Panzar must work on her Network code, and give some deley's .
That lagshots not possible by onle 50 ping difference!
In my opinion, Panzar has not good Onlinecode, there are alot of faster's gameplay on the World wide Web and they have not this Problem's with guys who has only 50 Ping difference.
I mean, i can understand it if 1 guy has Ping from 20 and the other guy 120-> so he has 100 ms delay to this guy , if i am not completly wrong now.

But i have in game a Ping from 75-80 and crazy dee (just a example) 15-20 . so i have to him ~60ms delay, thats not really much!
if this situation is comming with astral, it feels like a delay from 200ms.
Cause 60 ms are 0,06 sek thats nothing , while this time the astral animition dont start.
But im in astral and have the Sound this all cost more then 0,06sek you understand me?and still the animation and sound from crushing blow come AFTER astral. that i can realiz this it must be more then 0,06 sek.
If the Ping is correkt , it must be a other reason why this happening .

1.) Ping in game are not correkt.
2.) Panzar bad programming for onlinegame who has anyway a "big" delay That means, if you do something , panzar need 0.1sek to make this . so you have alltime 100ms delay + your ping.
(just a expamle)
3.)This guy's use some kind of speedhack

My charakters are
Eisbaer - Frostwitch
MaxderTank - Tank
AuniderIngi - Gunner
Aunderheiler - Healer
Auni - Inquisitor
Groruk - Berserk
Aunionfire - SoF
Aunii - Sapper

Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:51 am
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