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Paladin bug: no participation points 
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Post Paladin bug: no participation points

since patch 31 you only get very few participation points (battle statistics) for powerheals (rightclick) as paladin. its like always +3 or +4. played like 20 games and all paladins got this problem.

leftclick works as intended (didnt change with patch 31).

do you already know this bug from russia?

Image DkH.ZeRa. - former Clan MVP Image
Image DkH.ZeRa - former Clan MVP Image

Sat Oct 26, 2013 5:07 pm
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Post Re: Paladin bug: no participation points
Queen Bee wrote: "About Paladin: before you were able to get points for healing if a kill was made even if the player doing the kill had full health. Now the Paladin must be healing an injured player who makes the kill to recieve points."

So for example: teammate A is blocking the enemy and is getting damage. I have to heal him. But teammate B is killing the enemy. As healer i get 0 support bonus. I helped the team and kept teammate A alive - didnt I?

The last 20 matches were really no fun because you cant get enough points in public games now as Paladin.

Also this BIG CHANGE wasnt listed in the patchnotes (

Only change which is listed: “Restoration”, “Heal”, “Resurrection”, abilities: Paladin will gain support bonus for each enemy defeated by allies under effect of these spells. Time increased from 10 secs to 30 secs."

But thats not enough as Paladin in public games. For example: you wont get ever the most Points in your team now as Paladin. Compared to that why are gunners getting so many points OVERALL? And why are getting ice witches so many support points for a dumb freeze? You have only to start one spell.

The new system DOES NOT WORK. You gain all your gold and ressources in public games. You also have to heal teammates that are low HP which are kiting away and dont do damage.

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Image DkH.ZeRa - former Clan MVP Image

Mon Oct 28, 2013 11:57 am
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Post Re: Paladin bug: no participation points
How many Mastery you have?

Mon Oct 28, 2013 1:26 pm
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Post Re: Paladin bug: no participation points
dont read if its a bug.

already upgraded many items and i have the new epic leggins. so its a good amount of mastery.

but it doesnt matter in this thread. the problem is not the mastery loss with patch 31. the problem is they changed the system, didnt write it in the patchnotes and didnt argue why the change was needed.

if its a bug its no problem for me. every patch got bugs. i dont need this fixed that fast. but if its really a new system then i need to start a discussion:
1) the oldsystem was great! you couldnt often take place one in ranking in the old system but it was possible. you got enough ressources and gold
2) if this is really a new system, god damn it makes no sense! check support points at level 20 of INQUI, GUNNER, ICE, FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!
3) is it a change made because of level 30 facts at russia and we at europe just have again been kicked again in our asses?

tltr: if its a bug, dont read above.

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Image DkH.ZeRa - former Clan MVP Image

Mon Oct 28, 2013 2:12 pm

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Post Re: Paladin bug: no participation points
Paladin Controversyyyyyyyyyyyyy ....

Here's the down low, the aim is to distribute points based on merit and participation. There is no particular merit or skill in healing an ally character who is NOT injured. This is the point of the update.

As for the info missing on the patch notes. That's our bad, we will update them.

In the meanwhile, I am sure all you Paladins have other skills. Try use those, be creative - to choose a Paladin is to choose intelligence and ruse over muscles, brains over brawn... I'm sure you will overcome and become even stronger.

But if the challenge is too much - there are other characters to choose from.


Unhumbly, Your European Community Manager


Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:19 pm
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Post Re: Paladin bug: no participation points
Queen Bee wrote:
But if the challenge is too much - there are other characters to choose from.


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Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:23 pm
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Post Re: Paladin bug: no participation points
Queen Bee wrote:
Paladin Controversyyyyyyyyyyyyy ....

Here's the down low, the aim is to distribute points based on merit and participation. There is no particular merit or skill in healing an ally character who is NOT injured. This is the point of the update.

As for the info missing on the patch notes. That's our bad, we will update them.

In the meanwhile, I am sure all you Paladins have other skills. Try use those, be creative - to choose a Paladin is to choose intelligence and ruse over muscles, brains over brawn... I'm sure you will overcome and become even stronger.

But if the challenge is too much - there are other characters to choose from.

So if I heal the wrong injured player which is not dealing damage (or getting the kill) I wont get support points. Ok. So I stop healing all players which are kiting and running or blocking. I only heal players who getting kills. Berserker which is using execute got priority - more than a teammate thats gonna die. Thats what you write in your loading screen (dont forget panzar is a teamgame, you cant win by ignoring your team) - isnt it?

And my auras will also only generate support points for injured mates? Would makes sense with your argument. ;)

Seems to be fair right now for gunners, inquis, ice and fire. Makes sense.

Did you really ever played Paladin on high level?

For example: we did five trainings matches yesterday vs smugness. Same problem as in publics. Its every healer i saw the last 50 games who cant get much support points compared to other classes.

Another example: berserker, friend of mine, was afk the first 5 minutes. Only hits space to not afk out. I was healing whole team and was playing all the time. The last minutes he came back and did some kills. I wasnt there to heal him while he get the kills. So I was like 400 points. He was like 300 points. For the team it looks like we were both afk, because their epic gunners, inquis, ice and fire all did 1000 points. They must be really epic player - or not?


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Image DkH.ZeRa - former Clan MVP Image

Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:58 pm
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Post Re: Paladin bug: no participation points
You also forget to mention in the patchnotes that you nerfed the selfheal of paladin by 50%. You cant heal yourself anymore if your teammate got 100% life. Thats a HUGE nerf. Was Paladin that overpowered?

Even Zharik says you didnt do well with this patch.

And one more point: if a great healer keeps his team at 100% life, he CAN NOT get support points because you get ZERO points for all kills that are made by your mates that are on 100% life. Thats teamplay for you?

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Image DkH.ZeRa - former Clan MVP Image

Tue Oct 29, 2013 6:21 pm
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Post Re: Paladin bug: no participation points
I also agree that paladins were not overpowered. It's a teamgame. Paladin heals everyone, so ofcourse you have to focus the paladin to prevent him from healing the team. But if you go for paladin first there is no way to heal himself even a tiny bit, because his teammates are on 100%. I understand that self heal is nerfed, but shouldn't be that much in my opinion.

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Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:08 pm

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Post Re: Paladin bug: no participation points
There has been a lot of feedback and discussion about the Paladin changes with the new patches, both on the forum and in the studio.

The guys are working on it as I write. We will have a solution as oon as physically possible, so all I can ask is for you to stick it out a bit longer - it has not gone unnoticed.


Unhumbly, Your European Community Manager


Wed Oct 30, 2013 10:33 am
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