Re: My feedback on Inquisitors
I have to agree, that Inqs feel a bit OP, but only when they have fully enchanted lvl20 eq, amulets and 4 points in Eye of the Wolf skill...then its just to farm cca 30CP and with a bit of luck you can go on killing spree just pressing PA all the time...especially gunners suffer from them, because when they kill teslas and other puppies, it heals them and recharges the energy,
Thats all if they face same equiped people in numbers, its much bigger problem to survive, especialy against zerg + fire witch. They are not very usefull in teamfights except their poison skill, which every normal paly can overheal, or cleanse. They are very weak against longrange attacks, thats why they dont help much during capturing. And I have never seen Inq with 8k HP...max I ever seen is something more than 6k.
As others said, they are good at harrasing lone targets and making their life difficult, but even a freaking geared Inq cannot make any difference in the game, if his team is full of incompetent people and other team is well coordinated and knows what to do.
lol it changed s.h...i.t into puppies ??