This idea would fundamentally change how Panzar works. On the other hand, it could also cause for all people logged into the game at any time of the day to find a balanced match, nearly instantly.
My concept involves a scale and the Altar talent tree. Currently, the way the Altar tabs works is that with each new level you choose a talent enhancement that stays with you for all the games you play afterwards. With my idea, the difference would be that you choose a preference of the order that the talents would be unlocked, in the event that you play a game with that number of unlocked talents called an "Altar Score."
Imagine a scale with 20 gold coins weighing on one side and 4 gold coins weighing the other side. To balance the scale, we would remove 8 gold coins from the first side and place them on the other side.
Next, imagine that 20 people queued to play a game with levels as follows...
________________Blue Team:___Red Team:
Frost Witch_______20__________19
Sister of Fire______10__________6
Healer____________20___________8 would you balance the scales? For this game, the “Altar Score” would be 13.15.
((Blue Team: 20+10+5+18+8+13+19+12+9+20) + (Red Team: 19+6+15+20+10+5+14+12+20+8))/20 = 13.15
Signifying, that the order that the first 13 talents were chosen by each player would be the 13 effective skills for each respective player this game.
At each level-up of your character, you are choosing the preference number associated with that level. So, at level 15 you are choosing the 15th preference skill to be unlocked, in the event that you are queued to a game with an “Altar Score” calculation of 15. If, instead, you are queued to a game with an “Altar Score” lower than 15, then the order you chose the lower skills would be the only relevant ones that game. And, if you are queued to a game with an “Altar Score” higher than your level, then the computer chooses the additional skills randomly for you that game. The “ReSkill” button would work the same way, 50 crystals, with the difference being that it resets your preference order.
In this way, I think playing skill and experience would be the primary deciding factors of every win. I think, queues for games during populous and even less populated times of the day would be nearly instantaneous, either way.
What do you guys think about this idea?