Idea 1:Sum of all Levels has to be equal or less than x. For example, less or equal 150.
Means a Team can have 5 Level 30 chars. Another team may have 10 Level 15 Chars. Another team may come with 4 Level 30 and 6 Level 5 Chars.
Of course you want as well high level chars, but you also want the benefits of all the classes. So how do you put your team together? Is a Level ~5 Sapper good enough to keep a teleport alive? Do you use 4 Level 1 Frost and hope one can survive longer than a second, or to you use one Level 30 Frost? Do you use a Level 20 Fire, because Sky is unlocked? What Heal Power is good enough, is a Lev 15 Healer sufficient?
Idea 2:Similar to the above:
Sum of all Player's Battle Values has to be equal or less than x.
Unlike before, you can now show up with 10 Level 30 players, just some of them got to be naked I guess. This idea would force big clans to create their teams equally good, instead of putting all the best players in the same team.
Idea 3:Inspired by the fact that Inquisitors and Gunners are not commonly used in tournaments, and inspired by situations like these:'No Orc Tournament'
Don't like the idea that much though.