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Panzar Player Feedback for the Devs 
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Joined: Mon Dec 30, 2013 6:50 pm
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Post Re: Panzar Player Feedback for the Devs
What are the 5 (max) biggest issues in Panzar game today?

1)Game crashes and Freezes
2)After the merge the lag is more and we have problem with skills because of the latency,for example we using a skill thats not happened and we loosing the cp for it.Dont get it.
3)Balance in the game is OMG.There are huge unbalance skills ingame between classes.I take for example my Healer,he is the only class and he is the main class for a group or team ingame that has not 1 DEFENSIVE skill.I mean all other classes have at least 1 skill that helps to defend himself for example Sister Of Fire has lift etc.It is very hard for a class like a HEALER to defend or escape from an Inquisitor for example .If a good Inquisitor focus to u,then noway to survive.So please check the balance again.
4)The damage in this game is insane.It is not funny or enjoyable when u try to run to point and u need 10 secs,then u die with 1 random hit and u have to w8 28 secs to get respwned again.U lost all the game.Some skills are doing HIGH DAMAGE or CRIT ingame like the backstabe of Inquisitor that is a simple hit and not a specific skill(comon u r serious?its not even a skill that need cp,only right click) or the the vortex of war from Berseker.Once a full geared/amulet/runes/upgraded Tank gave me a POWER attack in my face(infront) and killed me with this.The damage was 6.5K and i die instantly as u understand,THIS WAS A JOKE???We talking about a class calling TANK and not melee class.
5)PLEASE let us crafting amulets more easy.There is noway to have more than 1 character with full amulets.U need a lot of time to collect the mats for it.

What are the 5 (max) biggest issues in Panzar community today?

1)Chat moderators more active
2)Add colors in chat.NOT all channels have white.For example group chat make it BLUE.Clan chat make it GREEN etc...
3)After the merge we the EU players we have 0 comunication ingame atm.We need an auto translate.
4)I want to see FORUMS more free and less flame or deleting posts.FORUMS basic are for the players to discuss about their problems,issues etc....Its not to fight each other(only ingame this ;) ) but to chat or share ideas or help a problem of a player.Or And i dont want DICTATORY rules in forums.I never see removing posts when u dont have broke any rule of the forums,so more freedom please in our ideas.

Do you think Panzar is better or worse than when you started playing?

I am not sure about it.I see good and bad things day by day.

What improvements (max 5) would you make to gameplay?

1)I want the high skills have more cooldowns and not be spammable.It destroying the fun ingame when some skills like Insta freeze are almost in spam condition.
2)Please,please,please i agree with Roxrite,especially in a game like this we need TALENTS TREES.I dont see a big diference in all the players because all we have same skills.LOL.Only the players that paying more to have more pots/runes/amulets.I dont want to hear about skilled players in this game.Ohter thing is bad,good and P2W player.
3)I want to see more players in games like 12 vs 12 or 16 vs 16.Some maps are big and will be more better and more fun.MORE WARRRRRRRRRRRRRR and more FIGTSSSSSSSSSSSS
4)GROUPS:About grouping,i want to see more group going like the basic grouping in all games that is 6.So i would like to see that we can run a group with max 6 players
5)More balanced games with more EU players like before.I mean like all other my friends here said or mention that some times i see groups with RED team having 6 orcs (2 tanks+4 melee) and BLUE team having 1 tank only.

What would you like your Community Manager to do better/more?

Be more active and comunicate with the players ;)

Have you asked help from or

Yes about crashes mostly.Not sure if u took it :cry:

If so, how would you rate our support out of 10? (1 awful - non existent -> 10 perfect)

I would rate with 5 :?

Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:48 am

Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:54 pm
Posts: 27
Post Re: Panzar Player Feedback for the Devs
What are the 5 (max) biggest issues in Panzar game today?
- Too much P2W / too much time playtime required (see the thread in feedback and suggestions for details)
- Bad matchmaking (Interesting matches are far to seldom. Typically you have a very clear win or a very clear lose)
- There are some SERIOUS lags since the merge (i.e. for several seconds). Competitive play will end in tears if this does not change ;-)
- Random crashes (occurs from time to time to a wide range of players)

What are the 5 (max) biggest issues in Panzar community today?
- community is too small :-)

What improvements (max 5) would you make to game play?
- Keep a closer eye on balancing. I also support nosforias impression that damage is a bit too high at times. The reason I see here is that there is a huuuge difference in HP pools. This should be reduced a bit.
- There are a lot of detailed suggestions in Zeras thread in feedback and suggestions

Do you think Panzar is better or worse than when you started playing?
Better: Faster invites
Worse: Even more P2W
Indifferent: Matchmaking remains bad

Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:54 am
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Post Re: Panzar Player Feedback for the Devs
I like that ppl agree in most of our problems.All are almost the same but PANZAR DEVS must hear us some times ;)

Tue Feb 25, 2014 12:40 pm
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Joined: Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:34 pm
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Post Re: Panzar Player Feedback for the Devs
Honestly my experience Panzar this still good, few errors can be noticed in the game, some crash but few , so if you come lately are witnessing the loss of CP and mana in the games, when you use the magic consumes the value but the magic does not appear and is annoying .
On the other hand my stay in the community is not being all that could be pleasurable as having no section in forum Spanish communication between users is hindered greatly whereby when to organize training and tournaments makes us very difficult, it would be good by the administration of a Hispanic Panzar section would empower forum to collect the large number of Spanish speaking users and grow a little community .

In the section of the gameplay I would like that when forging could improve the game and also are looking for a premium is put on defense upgrades, something like forging, premium if you can build two at why not also upgradear ?

On the subject of email Panzar I must say that in my case worked perfectly , send an email requesting the creation of a Hispanic chat in the game and in a week I got response from Panzar , the result is clear since the chat this position within the game with which my punctuation is 10.

I hope to continue working as before, the results seem positive. A greeting.

Tue Feb 25, 2014 1:26 pm
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Post Re: Panzar Player Feedback for the Devs
There are tons of things you notice throughout your playtime, I just can write down what comes to my mind right now.

What are the 5 (max) biggest issues in Panzar game today?
- Crashes / disconnect :)
- Ping / package loss
- This is my major point: Same circumstances for everybody. In the fog map, forgot the name (expanse of mist or something): Back to 90's graphics = no fog = not OK! I do not play on Cry 3 Engine with Super Mario Bros. Graphics! NEVER! But some do for no fog, although they could play on max. It is not OK!!!!

What are the 5 (max) biggest issues in Panzar community today?
- Best teams in tournaments are in another skill-dimension, no surprises = no fun
- A lot of spam and Nazi stuff or similar in chat
- Cannot communicate with Russians ingame

Do you think Panzar is better or worse than when you started playing?
- Better, because of the server merge ( I've played for only 2 months)

What improvements (max 5) would you make to gameplay?

- I think the shield ignoring blow of zerks with berserker rage is doing too much damage (more than i have life!!!!). If they are already given 2000% attackspeed, it should at least not oneshot me.
- Add more amulets for more individuality. Ideas: +Mana, + Mana Regen, + Energy Regen, + Crit Damage, + Block. You got many stats there but don't use them with full potential. Important: Do not add more amulet slots!
- I do not like that you can change the direction of your attack up to 180° while already half the animation is played. It looks like the char is preparing by gaining all the swing to 12oclock, then the stupid ice witch noob is going to the attacker's back at 6 oclock and receives the full power. Same when zerks are falling from above. They start the attack above, then fall while animation is going, and the swing is transferred to the bottom as they fall, the guy on the bottom is dead. Not even Chuck Norris could do that.
- Add more skills for more individuality. E.g. at 20, most witches took the ice curse to 3, but I didn't ;) At 20 you had the choice between life/mastery or insta freeze, both choices make sense. It's very boring to be able to skill everything.
- Why is my fire shield not working on inquisitor fire!? Skill descriptions: "... projects her (the ice witch) of the effects of fire magic" "...(The inquisitor) unleashes the sacred flame .... (enemies) are burned alive." is a flame, that burns no fire magic? What is it then? Chimera Magic?

As said, just what came into my mind right now.

What would you like your Community Manager to do better/more?
I think you do a lot, I never saw a weekly life stream, that is pretty cool.
Can do better: I take reference to chaosphere. I was very, very, veery disappointed of you there. It seemed to me that you could not handle the critics. It seemed to me you gave the words of some Aramda guys too much meaning. If 75 people look forward for the tournament, and 5 are stupids, don't cancel the tournamnet. Think like I would think, and I think I'm not aloud to type this here, but in kind words: "OK Goodbye, you are out and will not have the chance to play against devs - your own problem, not my problem". Instead you made the problems of 2 or 3 guys to your own problem, canceled the tournament and therefore it somehow became the problem of everybody.
And if you don't know how to make the teams fast and easy, and random, ask a dev, he can tell you how to do that. Maybe he even makes you an algorithm in 10minutes that creates the teams.

Have you asked help from or
If so, how would you rate our support out of 10? (1 awful - non existent -> 10 perfect)

My fan made Panzar Gameplay Trailer
Icy Tom's Stream: Image

Last edited by Icy Tom on Wed Feb 26, 2014 4:15 am, edited 2 times in total.

Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:45 pm
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Joined: Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:35 pm
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Post Re: Panzar Player Feedback for the Devs
Still so many issues with this game, lets try to name the biggest ones.

What are the 5 (max) biggest issues in Panzar game today?

- Pay to Win. Yes, you knew this was coming. Lets break it down for you, meaning that by allowing players to pay for items(Armor, Weapons, Amulets), enchants(Runes), and bypass crafting times and resources, you are giving them an insanely huge advantage over players who do not spend as much money, or the ones playing it for fun and not investing money at all. But if you actually wanted this problem fixed, you would have a long time ago since players have been complaining about it.
- ...therefore this brings issues like Unbalanced Matches with under geared players, who have to wait too much time and lack the resources to craft an item or even don´t have enough time to play the game, against the All Mighty overpowered enemies who pay for instant access to the best gear for their level.
- Summing to those the awful Match making System which sometimes puts two healers on the same team and none on the other, or full support/casters teams, and sometimes huge level range between players.
- The Merge. The result of a failed advertisement of the game over Europe and a bad F2P model, but you forgot about something, communication is key on a game like this, and the language barrier is huge and unavoidable making it impossible to understand or to be understood by 95% of Russian players.
- The queue system. (Explanation below)

What are the 5 (max) biggest issues in Panzar community today?

- Lack of players.
- Lack of maturity.
- Lack of knowledge on the battlegrounds objectives. It's unbelievable that at level ten or EVEN at level twenty, players still wander around like mindless zombies (W+M1/M2) and have no clue on how to support their team.

Do you think Panzar is better or worse than when you started playing?

- Can't say much about this, since I've only been playing this game for only three weeks, but the introduction on PvE content seem like a really positive change with a huge number of new possibilities you can explore, if done the right way of course (*Cough* P2W *Cough*).

What improvements (max 5) would you make to gameplay?

- The queue system should be done in the background leaving the players free to do whatever they want to, when a game is found a little popup screen would come up with a message "Match Found", two buttons, "Join" and "Leave", and a 15 seconds countdown to respond. If the players fail to address the call or press "Leave" another message would popup with "You failed to respond, you should join next time to avoid penalization.", if the players behave the same way next time, a 5min penalty would be applied making the queue unavailable for them for each time unresponsive or leaving.
- The lack of variety on the Altar. This ones are free of charge. Since I play sapper lets see the Trap as an example. At the third point on the trap you would have three different branch options: the option of having a forth trap with more damage, a second option for three traps with a immobilizing effect that would trap the enemy in place for two seconds and a third option for three traps with a stack-able bleed effect of 200 damage over five seconds.
Another change regarding every class Altar would be getting rid of the passive Health/Mastery skills and grant those boosts automatically when players level up at 5,10,20,30 giving them more survivability, leaving room for another choices and new skills. You have the base, now you have to be original and give each class a dozen different possibilities.
- Give me an Ignore option that actually works properly. Starting to become sick of stupid people spamming, flaming and typing nonsense on chats. Not only on the Social tab but also to ignore people in-game.
- Give me a quality and reliable Voice chat. An option to Turn On/Off and a master volume slider aren't enough. You should know that every player have different hardware and microphones don't sound all the same way neither have the same volumes. Plus not all the players are worth hearing, so an option to Mute or adjust the volume for each player would be much appreciated. Increase the overall quality of the emitter's voice, it sounds terrible.
- Implement an horizontal slowing turn speed while using Power Attacks or a cone effect skill, so people would use it more responsibly and avoid the sudden 180º turn if they miss or if an unexpected foe appears. (Yes, I am talking about the annoying Berserkers, Tanks and Inquisitors)

What would you like your Community Manager to do better/more?

Can't ask for much here either, but from what I read on forums maybe more feedback on the game current state and more punctuality on streams. Even if I do not watch them, but I watched the PvE introduction video and that waiting time was not very pleasant.

Have you asked help from or

Never did. I see a lot of people complaining about the crashes, but I actually never had one. Only thing worth reporting was going under the map on the warm up time when I spawned, one time situation.

Hope this gets to the Project Lead/Devs hears and put some sense in their heads.

PokeHammer - Sapper - Level 30
ForsakenVeteran - Inquisitor - Level 14

Clan [All Against P2W]

Wed Feb 26, 2014 12:16 am
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Post Re: Panzar Player Feedback for the Devs
(P2W games start with games like Eve online ( 5000$ a ship)) :D


Wed Feb 26, 2014 7:28 am
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Joined: Tue May 14, 2013 11:38 am
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Post Re: Panzar Player Feedback for the Devs
What are the 5 (max) biggest issues in Panzar game today?

-Ping to Ru Server(no more competitive gaming possible after merge.One of the reasons why i left ru server beside the Russian language )
-"Killing by one shot. My girls was killing one shot of berks, tanks, inquis, paladins and dwarfs. I know that it's probably if they hit me in the back (even elf may kill this way in one shot), but if someone hitting me in the block in front of me and I always became dead, game is not so pleasant."
-Bugs and Bugauser(zerk jumping with meteorit or jumping and stealing energy at the same time!!!,gunner placing traps and gravities whiteout noting happening,sapper placing a morta and 150 points gone but no morta, freezer making instant freeze points gone nobody frozen) much of it follows from point 1
-No Clan Messaging board!
-Class dis-balance
-Matchmaking dis-balance

What are the 5 (max) biggest issues in Panzar community today?

- Lack of players.
- Lack of teamspirit.

Do you think Panzar is better or worse than when you started playing?

- Started one and a half years ago on the Russian server... much is improved since then, but still much to do..

What improvements (max 5) would you make to gameplay?

-Skill tree
-Better map topografie (make the maps fit the abilitys from the classes, like gunner should shoot from one site of the arena exactly to the other or tho the middle and so on)
-More maps
-Real ignore and spam filter in chat
-Better matchmaking like i sad...

What would you like your Community Manager to do better/more?

-Be more professional(no more sound check am stream and so on, that's disrespect to the viewers)
-Stick to his/hers word( like if there is a big banner on for surtan tournament it should heppand no matter what some players are thinking about it. Thay are free not to participate!)
-Be more present in game(Buy her finally a pc, that can run this game, so she can be online at times when the most of the players are online)

Have you asked help from or

-No, but i am giving 9 to killreal, who is the only guy who really tryies to help.

Last edited by Orkslayer on Thu Feb 27, 2014 3:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Feb 27, 2014 2:52 pm
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Post Re: Panzar Player Feedback for the Devs
What are the 5 (max) biggest issues in Panzar game today?
  • Crashes and lags. Imagine that you meet Zerk, you are knocking over and then you seeing animation of his blow...
  • Killing by one shot. My girls was killing one shot of berks, tanks, inquis, paladins and dwarfs. I know that it's probably if they hit me in the back (even elf may kill this way in one shot), but if someone hitting me in the block in front of me and I always became dead, game is not so pleasant.
  • Insane skills: Range of the traps, inqui's flames and others skills - if I see on the screen one trap, and i go beside, and my teammate goes through the trap and I take damege too, then something isn't OK. Same thing with flame - if I am staying next to flame, I see that animation no touching my character, and I start loosing my HP, I don't know how far I must escape... It's ridiculous! Graphics should show real size of dangers. And no sense with some of skills - shield against fire doesn't work with non-sof-fire like inquis flame, firebomb, and campfires. In the other hand tank's shield may protect from anything and no way to stop this (magical silence may be stopped by shield too). Or turning skyfire - sometimes it's landing in some distance from place who was pointed by skill-line.
  • Three-characters group can win any match. Especially if they all comes from top clans. Matchmaking should give some extra Battle Values points to players who play in the group. It's as clear as crystal that this characters plays together and support eachother. So they are more effective that random-created teams.

What are the 5 (max) biggest issues in Panzar community today?
  • No moderators in chat.
  • Too cheap clans. There are lots of clans and most of them are weak or have no enough of players. This same thing makes weaker good clans.
  • Many random players who have levels and haven't ideas how to play. They need more tools to practice, training room, how-to videos or something like that.
  • No support tools for clan leaders. No way to communication with clanmate who are offline, no way to check who was active and who is dead soul and no loged in to game.
  • No list reported bugs, fixed bugs and rejected bugs. We don't know if we should report new ones, we don't know what is going with old ones.

Do you think Panzar is better or worse than when you started playing?
I play since EU premiere and I see that Panzar is changing for better. It's good thing and I hope the game will be on the up and up.

What improvements (max 5) would you make to gameplay?
  • Surrender button - if we play and we see that other team is too strong there is no sense struggling for 15 minutes and trying take first point when we die in the respown. And if we by the skin of one's teeth take first point, game will be longer but also pointless.
  • Weather and part of day effects on the maps.
  • New kinds of amulets, new kinds of runes, new maps.
  • Battle chat still active in screen with Battle Table after each match. Sometimes we want to speak with people from others servers about ended match and battle chat is our only chance.
  • Merge equipment all characters on this same account. This same with friends list.

What would you like your Community Manager to do better/more?
I miss for chances winning crystals in the forum, FB and others. For some players there is one way to get some crystals without spend his money. It's also motivate new players to activity and supporting plyeres who haven't chance win tournament.

Have you asked help from or
Yes, but in most of cases there are any response. Sad thing.

If so, how would you rate our support out of 10? (1 awful - non existent -> 10 perfect)
About 4, but my direct communications with Queen Bee is quite good. ;)

Thu Feb 27, 2014 3:33 pm

Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 12:27 am
Posts: 51
Post Re: Panzar Player Feedback for the Devs
What are the biggest issues in Panzar game today?
- Communication between players is difficult, always has been though.
- The matchmaking system. (Class distribution [2 ice on one team, none on the other], Noobs vs Pros teams => game ends in 5mins)
- Not being able to give up if a match is lost.

Do you think Panzar is better or worse than when you started playing?
- Better

What improvements would you make to gameplay?
- Add Pre-made Sentences.
- Add crosshair for mortar.

I have omitted the questions i have nothing to say about.

Senkai - lvl 20 Sapper
##### - lvl 1 - 10 characters
Not getting tired of unbalances, yet

Fri Feb 28, 2014 9:19 pm
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